This style of writing has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
What is Expository Essay?
The main step in pre-writing for an expository writing is?
What is Organization/Outline?
What is the first thing you do before creating an outline. Hint: It is the first step in the writing process.
What is brainstorm? Organizing thoughts?
The thesis statement is
A topic sentence that supports your paper?
The essence of transition words
What is a word that helps your paper flow?
This kind of writing often gives an opinion of a literary piece.
What is an Argumentative Essay?
What is at the heart of expository writing and what is it's purpose?
What is the topic sentence or thesis statement. It tells the reader what the paragraph or essay is about.
After you brainstorm, what do you do next?
What is categorize or classify information (word sort or fact sort).
The length of a thesis statement
What is One sentence?
The purpose of adding transitons in your paragraphs
What is to change the readers thought process?
This kind of writing has a topic sentence, followed by a reason, fact, or concrete detail. Commentary is added to elaborate or give added information.
What is Expository Essay?
What is the glue of expository writing? How do you make your essay flow smoothly?
What is Transition words are the glue?
What goes at the top of the outline?
What is the topic?
Two parapgrahps where your thesis statement found.
What is the introduction and the conclusion?
What is text evidence?
What is proof from a writing piece that will support your thoughts?
This type of writing includes your opinion.
What is an Argumentative Essay?
What is the meat of expository writing? (Where all the information is)
What is text evidence and elaboration. It gives the reader an explanation, example, or elaboration (added information). This is in our body paragraphs.
What goes on the informal outline that supports our thoughts?
What is a reason, fact, or concrete detail (text evidence)
The purpose of a thesis statement
What is to inform your reader about your topic?
3 important things in an introduction
What is a attention grabber, supporting sentences, and a thesis statement?
An essay with the following prompt is what type? In what ways are pets like people and in what ways are they not? Write a comparison-contrast essay explaining the similarities and differences between pets and people.
What is an Expository Essay?
What ties expository writing all together?
What is the conclusion?
What goes on the outline the concludes our paragraphs?
What is a Conclusion
The formula for a thesis statement
What is your main topic + your opinion +your subtopics or claim +frame?
Transition words introduce a reason, fact, or concrete detail. Where can trnsition words be written?
What is in the beginning or middle of a sentence.