Text Structure
Context Clues

Names the 5 types of text structure that we have been learning. 

1. Descriptive                   4. ?                       

2. ?                                  5?

3. ?

- Problem and Soltion

- Compare and Contrast

- Cause and Effect

- Sequence and Order


Which one of these is not an examples of a context clue?

A. Synonyms                     D. Word Parts

B. Antonyms                      E. Inferences

C. Opinions

C. Opinions


What is a theme? Write a complete sentence to answer the question.

The theme is the message or lesson the author is trying to tell us in the text. 


There are 3 types of Affixes. Name them and tell me where they are located in a word. 

1. Prefix (in the beginning of root word)

2. Root Word (in the middle)

3. Suffix (at the end of root word)


What two things do we need to make Inferences? 

A. Opinions

B. Text 

C. Plot elements

D. Background Knowledge

B. Text & D. Background Knowledge (schema)


Write 2 SIGNAL WORDS for 1 of the text structure we are learning. 

1. Descriptive                     4. Sequence and Order

2. Compare and Contrast     5. Problem & Solution

3. Cause and Effect

Show teacher for approval :)


The children pleaded to their mother for an ice-cream cone after she had already said no. What does the word pleaded mean?

A. asked                            C. shouted

B. begged                          D. ran

B. begged


Which one of these is a common theme in text?

A. Friendship 

B. Setting

C. None of the above

D. Plot Points

A. Friendship


The students were being dishonest when they told the teacher that their dog ate their homework. 

What is the prefix and root word in the word dishonest? What does the prefix mean?

A. Incorrect                        C. truthful

B. Lying                              D. Not

The prefix is dis- and the root word is honest.

The prefix dis- means D. Not 

ex: disrespect means not showing respect


The student comes in slouching, talking low, and wearing his favorite Fortnite pajamas for pajama day. You can see the dark bags under his eyes and the puffy eyes from just waking up. He starts his assignment and his eyes begin to close. His head starts to fall as if he is falling asleep. The teacher walks by and asked the student to go to the restroom and wash his face. 

What inference can you make on why the student is acting this way, and why did the teacher ask him to go to the restroom? Write at least one complete sentence.

The student stayed up all night playing fortine.

Answers may vary.


What text structure did the author use for this passage? 

People tend to be very loyal to their favorite brands of technology. Some people are devoted to Apple iPhone and some are big fans of Android phones. These phones have several things in common, including the ability to use the internet, download apps, and takes pictures. However, there are certain differences. iPhones have sleek designs and sync well with other Apple products. Androids, however, have more options to customize, and Apple usually comes with a higher prices tag. 

A. Descriptive 

B Compare & Contrast

B. Problem Solution                                    Sequence

C. Compare and Contrast

iPhones vs Android phones


What is a synonym and antonym? Provide an example for the word RICH.

Synonyms- different words that mean the same thing. 


Antonyms- different words that mean the opposite. 



Choose the best theme for this passage. 

Georgia decided to take a sewing class, but felt very frustrated when she couldn't sew a straight like on the first day. "This looks so easy, but it's not! Clearly I'm just terrible at sewing!" she complained. Even though she felt frustrated, she continued to go to class every week. Each week her instructor helped her. By the last week of class, Georgia finally completed a project all by herself! She created a rectangular pillow for her bed with straight lines!

A. Differences                               C. Family

B. Friendship                                D. Perseverance

D. Perseverance


The students felt successful when they all passed their STAAR test

What is the suffix and root word in the word successful? What does the suffix mean?

A. can be done                 C. full of

B. past tense                    D. without

The suffix is -ful and the root word is success. 

The suffix -ful means C. full of

ex: beautiful = full of beauty


                  The Man Who Built Libraries

  1. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in 1835. When he was 13, his family moved to the United States in search of a better life. The Carnegie family made its new home in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a factory town just outside Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie’s first job was working in a cotton mill. 

  2. A year later, Carnegie became a messenger in a telegraph office. The telegraph was used to send messages along a wire. Electrical signals in the form of dots and dashes represented letters and numbers. Before long, Carnegie was working a telegraph. Two years later, he became a company leader. He was on his way up. 

    What does the highlighted sentence "He was on his way up." help the reader understand?          

    A. Carnegie was physically climbing a structure or hill
    B. Carnegie was experiencing success and advancing in his career
    C. Carnegie was traveling on a journey of exploration
    D. Carnegie was experiencing setbacks and facing challenges

B. Carnegie was experiencing success and advancing in his career


What text structure did the author use for this passage, and write one sentence telling us how you figure it out. 

Do you have a dog or a cat at your home? If yes, be sure to keep onions out of your pet's reach. Onions contain and ingredient called thiosulfate. While this ingredient is safe for humans, it is toxic to cats and dogs. Thiosulfate weakens a cat or dog's red blood cells. If you pet consumes enough onions, the red blood cells can even burst! This accidental ingestion of onions by your pet can result in worrisome consequences. 

Cause and Effect 


At the meeting with the toy company, Johnson opened his suitcase. He pulled out the water blaster. Then he shot a stream of water clear across the meeting room! The toy company loved it and found it an innovative idea. 

What does innovative mean? Select 2 correct answer. 

A. Traditional                      D. Resistant to change

B. Creative idea                  E. Common idea

C. Something new

B. Creative idea 

C. Something new


Choose the best theme for this passage. Write at least one sentence telling us why you choose this answer. 

Even though Greg had been looking forward to his best friend's party for over a month, he knew his grandma would really love to see him. "It's you choice, Greg. Grandma is really sick, but I know you've been very excited about this party," said his mom. Most of his class was planning on going to the party and he knew it would be so much fun! After some thought, Greg knew exactly what he was going to do. "It's not like this is the last party that I'll ever be invited to and grandma would be so sad if I didn't come," said Greg. "Plus, I always like making her smile." 

A. Decisions                                       C. Courage

B. Family                                           D. Trust

B. Family. 


The students should not be disrespectful to each other because they are good kids.

All 3 affixes are present in the word disrespectful. Identify each and tell me what the suffix and prefix mean.

Prefix = dis- (means not)

Root word respect 

Suffix = -ful (means full of)


                 The Man Who Built Libraries

  1. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in 1835. When he was 13, his family moved to the United States in search of a better life. The Carnegie family made its new home in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a factory town just outside Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie’s first job was working in a cotton mill. 

  2. A year later, Carnegie became a messenger in a telegraph office. The telegraph was used to send messages along a wire. Electrical signals in the form of dots and dashes represented letters and numbers. Before long, Carnegie was working a telegraph. Two years later, he became a company leader. He was on his way up.

What can the reader infer about Carnegie?

  1. Carnegie was primarily interested in politics.

  2. Carnegie was successful in both entrepreneurship and philanthropy.

  3. Carnegie was only interested in making money for himself.

  4. Carnegie was born into a wealthy family and inherited his money.

2. Carnegie was successful in both entrepreneurship and philanthropy.


What text structure did the author use for the passage? Find 2 SIGNAL WORDS in the passage. Write 1 or 2 sentences explaining how you figured it out. 

Have you ever tried to eat a cupcake and while peeling the liner off, much of the cupcake gets peeled off with it? As a cupcake pro, the biggest tip I can offer to avoid this cupcake catastrophe is to remove the cupcakes from the tin as soon as they come out of the over. Sometimes if they are left in the tin, steam builds from the hot cupcakes and the moisture may make the liners pull away. If the doesn't work, try a different type of cupcake liner-like a greaseproof. These tips will ensure that you get to savor every last bit of you yummy cupcake. 

Problem and Solution

Ask teacher to approve signal words. 

I know this is a Problem & Solution, because it mentions the problem of the liner getting stuck to the cupcake and the author gave us two solutions to fix it. She said we should take the cupcake out of the hot pan right away, or use greaseproof liners.


Unlike the nimble dancers in her ballet class, Kate was clumsy and awkward as she spun around the dance floor. 

What does the word unlike mean? What part of WE SAID did you use to figure out the meaning? 

A. Friendly                         C. Stylish

B. Graceful                         D. Lucky

B. Graceful

You should have said Antonym. Kate is clumsy and the sentences said the other dancers are unlike (un=not; not like)Kate. Graceful is the OPPOSITE of clumsy.


Choose the best theme and write at least one sentences explaining why you choose that theme. 

"I don't want a new baby brother!" whined Kim. "Honey, you don't have a choice. He will be here next month," mom said rubbing her belly. Kim couldn't believe that she would have to be around a loud, slobbery baby. Plus, the thought of sharing anything, especially attention, with a new baby didn't sound fun at all!

"You will be one of the most important people in his life." mom stated. "He will need you to look out for him and to teach him new things!"  "Hmm I guess that true. I will be showing him a lot of new things. Maybe it won't be all that terrible having a little brother around," Kim replied. "Just please don't ask me to change diapers!" she said with a smile.

A. Anger can help you take responsibility for your behavior.

B. New babies can be a problem.

C. Felling important can help people accept change more easily.

D. Perseverance pays off. 

C. Felling important can help people accept change more easily.


My mom's wedding ring is irreplaceable to her, because they do not make it anymore. 

All 3 affixes are present in the word irreplaceable. Identify each and tell me what the suffix and prefix mean.

Prefix = Ir- (means not)

Root word = replace

Suffix= -able (mean able to)

not able to be replaced.


               The Man Who Built Libraries

  1. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, in 1835. When he was 13, his family moved to the United States in search of a better life. The Carnegie family made its new home in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, a factory town just outside Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie’s first job was working in a cotton mill. 

  2. A year later, Carnegie became a messenger in a telegraph office. The telegraph was used to send messages along a wire. Electrical signals in the form of dots and dashes represented letters and numbers. Before long, Carnegie was working a telegraph. Two years later, he became a company leader. He was on his way up.

Based on information in this selection, how does the author most likely feel about Carnegie?  (R.A. only)

Answers may vary.

R: Based on the information in the selection, the author most likely fells that Carnegie ...

A: is an achieved person who started at the bottom and worked his way up. The author probably admires him because he is writing a story about him and mentions a lot of his achievements. 
