IRC Tucson
Client Rights
Client Responsibilities
Grievance Procedure
Personal Hygiene and Safety
Who are your new case managers?
Meheria and Jennifer
You have a question for your case worker but do not speak English. Can you still receive help?
Yes, you have a right to an interpreter as an IRC client.
What should you do if you move or change your phone number?
Tell your IRC case worker, file a change report with DES, and submit an AR-11 form (if you change your address).
If you are not happy with your services provided, should you yell at your case manager until they give you what you want?
No, you must follow the proper grievance procedure.
Why is it important to bathe yourself and your children every day?
It is important to smell clean at work. If children do not look like they are clean at school, their teachers might fear neglect and call CPS.
Which case manager can help you with medical services?
True or false: The IRC's goal is to help you and your family become self-sufficient.
How can you avoid missing an appointment with your IRC case worker or your doctor?
Make sure to keep the IRC informed of your schedule and make sure to schedule any necessary transportation with AHCCCS or IRC in advance.
If you are not happy with your case manager, can they keep you from speaking to their supervisor?
No, your case manager is required to give you their supervisor's contact information.
What do you do in case of an emergency?
Call 911, then call your case manager.
When is the best time to come see your case managers?
During open hours - Wednesdays 1-3pm and Fridays 10am-12pm
What does it mean to be self-sufficient?
It means that you and your family are able to take care of yourselves without any help from the IRC or the state welfare system.
What would happen to a client who becomes hostile and threatens IRC staff?
They would lose their IRC benefits and may receive a restraining order prohibiting them from entering the IRC office. Then, if they wanted to file a complaint about their treatment from the IRC they would have to go straight to the State Coordinator.
Is it okay to file a complaint with the State Coordinator without filing a complaint with the Program Manager first?
No, you must go step-by-step in following the grievance procedure.
What are some things you should do before leaving the house to make sure that you are being safe?
Make sure that all appliances are turned off, place any valuables out of sight, and double-check to make sure that the door is locked.
What should you do if you need to see a case manager but cannot make it to open hours?
Call the IRC main line and make an appointment.
Where can you go for help finding employment?
IRC's Employment and Economic Development (EED) Department - Gwen Scott and Peter Newbegin
What must an employable client do in order to comply with the IRC's employment program?
Register with the staff in EED, participate in the IRC Job Readiness, Be Proactive in Job Search, Attend ESL Classes, Meet with their Arbor Jobs Caseworker (if receiving TANF or TPEP), accept the first job offered, If offered a job, contact IRC EED specialist and/or case manager
What are the steps that you must follow for the IRC Grievance Procedure?
1. Speak with your Case Manager about the problem. 2. Make an appointment and inform the Program Manager about the problem. 3. Write a letter to file a complaint with the Executive Director - may be written in your native language or written with an interpreter if you do not know how to write. 4. Write a letter to file a complaint with the State Coordinator Charles Shipman.
When should you call 911? (Examples)
Fire, flood, robbery, emergency medical problem, anytime you feel that you are in immediate danger