The value of the digit 5 in the number 3,458.
What is 50?
The decimal equivalent of 3/10.
What is 0.3?
Round 2.49 to the nearest whole number.
What is 2?
The greater number: 0.5 or 0.75.
What is 0.75?
0.5 + 0.3 = _____
What is 0.8?
The digit in the tens place in the number 6,327.
What is 2?
The place value of the digit 4 in the number 0.456.
What is tenths?
Round 3.67 to the nearest tenth.
What is 3.7?
The smaller number: 3.24 or 3.245.
What is 3.24?
1.2 - 0.8 =______
What is 0.4?
The number of hundreds is 4,583.
What is 5?
What is 3/4?
Round 8.242 to the nearest hundredth.
What is 8.24?
The greater number: 5.678 or 5.687.
What is 5.687?
2.5 x 2 = _______
What is 5.0?
The value of the digit 7 in the number 7,492.
What is 7,000?
The value of the digit 6 in the number 2.637.
What is six-tenths?
Round 7.8953 to the nearest tenth.
What is 7.9?
The smaller number: 0.4567 or 0.4657.
What is 0.4567?
6.3 รท 3 = ______
What is 2.1?
The value represented by the digit 9 in 9.876.
What is 9?
The decimal equivalent of 23 and 57/100.
What is 23.57?
Round 19.9999 to the nearest whole number.
What is 20?
The number closest to zero: 0.009 or 0.01.
What is 0.009?
0.75 x 4 = _______
What is 3.0?