Purdue University was established in
What areas of Extension are present in all 92 counties?
Ag & Natural Resources
Health & Humans Sciences
4-H Youth Development
Community Development
What is the purpose of the Extension Board?
To provide guidance on the overall direction or programming within the community.
What does WDYMG stand for? How many sessions must there be with this program?
Where Does Your Money Go
2 sessions
What does ILQC stand for?
Indiana 4-H Livestock Quality Care
How many counties are in Indiana?
What is the Purdue Extension mission?
We deliver practical, research based information that enhances the lives and livelihoods of community members.
How is the Extension Board made up?
Members of each program area advisory committee elect to be a member of the Extension board.
What is the 4-H mission?
Hands on experiences for youth alongside their peers and caring adults. Indiana 4-H strives to be premier in community based programing and empowering young people to reach their full potential.
What is the THRIVE Model?
Explain the handout.
Which services does the Smith Lever Act provide?
Educational programming in areas of Agriculture, Home Economics, 4-H, Youth Development, and Rural Energy.
300- What does the HHS educator do?
To Summarize:
Share research based information to strengthen families, spend smart, ear right, and live well. Identify community needs and priorities.
How many people can be on the extension board?
Is there a term limit?
12-16 members
Yes - 3 year term; no more than 2 consecutive terms.
Name something unique about Orange County 4-H
We have a OCBR classes and show.
What is the 4-H motto?
To make the best better.
Where did John Purdue's 100-acres reside?
Battleground, IN
300- What does the ANR educator do?
To Summarize:
Provide research based information that include topic areas of Crops, Ag Business, Natural Resources, Livestock, Horticulture, etc. to clientele that can provide the best management practices to meet the situational needs.
How many meetings are held annually for the Extension Board?
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
What are the populations in which HHS programming offered?
Any and all populations
Pre K through older adults, mental health, etc.
What does PARP stand for? Who receives credit?
Pesticide Applicator Renewal Program
Anyone who applies pesticides to property they own, rent, or otherwise control for the purpose of producing and agricultural commodity.
Which Act happened in 1914 and established a Cooperative Extension Service?
300- What does the 4-H Educator do?
To summarize:
To prepare young people to be leaders in their community through hands on experiences that provide a positive youth development experience.
There are (usually) 3 committees within the Extension Board - what are they?
Annual Meeting
What is a new program that Veronica will be doing?
Be Heart Smart
What is a new program that Julie will be taking on this year?
Purdue On The Farm