Where is the brisket located?
Lower chest
Where is the knee located?
The bend in the front leg
Where is the snout located?
The front of the mouth
Where is the brisket located?
The chest
What is hair, wool, feather, hooves, and horns made of?
Where is the rib located?
The trunk of the body
Where are the withers located?
Where is the underline located?
The underside of the belly
Where is the poll located?
Between the horns
What is the mammary papilla?
•The openings which lead to the mammary glands
Where is the dewlap located?
Under the jaw
Where is the stifle located?
The front part of the back leg
Where is the ham located?
The rear of the hog
Where is the tail head located?
Where the tail meets the rest of the body
What does the Vibrissae mean?
Where is the switch located?
The tip of the tail
Where is the girth located?
The line behind the front leg
above the hoof of a cloven animal
Where is the cannon located?
The long part of the back leg closest to the hoof
What refers to the two external openings of the nose which lead to the nasal cavity?
The nose, muzzle, nostril, and nasal
Where is the cannon located?
The part of the leg closest to the hoof
Where is the ankle located?
Beneath the cannon and pastern
Where is the foreflank located?
The front body of the pig
Where is the loin
last 3rd of the back
What does the auricle refer to?
•Refers to the external portion of the ear
•Used to collect and focus the sound toward the ear canal
•Where an ear tag is attached