Customs and beliefs of a racial, religious, or social group
Cultural Influence
Situational Factors or Social Factors
What kind of influence is having depression or anxiety?
Internal and Psychological
What is influencing food choices when there is a shortage of produce due to wild fires?
External and environmental.
Food choices based on supply and demand, price and availability
Economic influence
What is the state of being in overall good health?
Internal and physiological
What kind of influence is it when you have to changed the brands you by or what you buy do to job loss?
External and Economic
What kind of influence comes from air, water, soil, mineral, plant and animal resources?
Environmental Influence
Gender, age, wellness, and activity levels
Physiological Influences
What kind of influence is it if someone eats fast food on Wednesday because they work late and their kids have soccer practice?
What kind of influence is it when someone is Muslim and they do not eat pork.
External and Cultural.
What kind of type of influence is the one that focuses on improvements and improving methods for doing tasks?
Appetite, emotions, thoughts, stress, and personal likes and dislikes.
Psychological Influences
What kind of influence is happening when you choose to not eat meat because you are standing up for animal rights?
Psychological and Internal
What influences a person when they have to change their recipe because someone borrowed their airfryer and didn't bring it back?
External and Technological
What kind of influence are television, print, and the internet?
Media influences
What kind of influence explains why Jenna who is 5 eats less than her sister,Jennifer, who is 12?
Physiological influences, internal
What is influence type makes people order Overnight Oats after seeing ads for it on Instagram?
Media influence, external