What are the confirmations that are included in our scope? (3 anwers)
Bank, Legal, Accounts Receivable
What does CBL stand for?
Central Bank List
Where do you source the information you populate on the blue side of the AVT? (2 answers)
ET Docs: PY information, bank listing, bank request template
What is the source of the Financial Institution Column in the log?
Financial Institution Column in the sheet
How many times do you have to input the bank details in the letters?
What are three FSLIs being managed by Skills Hub.
Cash, PPE, AR
If you have any concerns on the ExCon process, who should you consult with? (QCs)
Kat, Nette, Ger, Trisha
What do you do when the bank is not in CBL?
- Validate via call or email and tag as Note 4 (Validation in progress)
Filename format for Log for Sending in the pdf files
What is the formula for the PWC Reference Number?
Provide at least three information that should be included on the request template
Kat / Ger to assess.
What is the protocol on providing deliverables to ET/SH when aura is not available?
Log for approval with Ms. K (google sheet), deliverables can be provided via email.
Or upon ET/SH's initiative, via GDrive.
On what side of the AVT is it okay to leave blanks?
Yellow side
What are 3 types of "Account Type" that we input in the Monitoring sheet?
General Credit, General Debit, Treasury
What sections in the letters do we input the account numbers?
Sections 1 and 2 (General)
Where do you request aura access?
EMW - Engagement Management Website
What is the standard formatting of dates in RLTs
Mention at least three formatting rules on the AVT file
Kat / Ger to assess.
Give the 4 methods of sending for bank confirmations
Email, Post, Fax, CCI
What are the three different types of dates in the letters? Differentiate each.
- Date of letter
- Required by date
- Confirmation date
Mention three things that should be done once a WR has been assigned to you
- Validate and assign
- Trigger
- Check charge code
What does RLTs stand for?
Request Level Task
What does AVT stand for? And why is AVT important?
- Address Validation Testing
- Kat / Ger to assess
CCT Mailbox
What are the three main parts of the audit request letter?
Cover Letter