The Outsiders
Parts of an Argument
Writing 101
Do you really know Ms. Wertz?

What makes Ponyboy different from the rest of his Greaser crew? Why are these good traits for a narrator of this story to have?

Ponyboy is younger and not really a full member of the gang. He’s Darry’s little brother, so he’s more of a mascot than a full member. He’s also book smart, gets good grades, and is a deep thinker. He’s the sort of guy who prefers to go to the movies alone so that he can fully escape into the film and think about it. For a narrator, you want someone, like Ponyboy, who is innocent and open-minded. Ponyboy isn’t jaded yet, so he can still see/believe in a time when the fighting between the social classes will end. It’s also good to have a smart narrator, a thinker, so we can hear all of his deep thoughts about this world.


 In a debate about the benefits of technology in education, Jessica states, "Using technology in the classroom enhances student engagement and facilitates personalized learning experiences." What part of the argument does this statement represent?

Answer: Claim
Explanation: A claim is a statement that asserts a point of view or a stance on a particular issue. In this case, Jessica is making a claim about the positive impact of technology on education.


A statement made out of court that a witness can’t prove someone stated.



What was the first writing project we worked on this year?

How to write an email.


What is her favorite color?



Ponyboy doesn’t want to cut and bleach his hair with peroxide, but Johnny knows they need to alter their appearances. According to Ponyboy, how does a military or prison haircut serve as a method to break young men from their social class?

For Greasers, long hair is part of their identity. By requiring a haircut, officials are taking away a young man’s identity and sense of self. This can be a good thing for the military that needs group identity to function well, but this can be a tool of humiliation in the criminal justice system.


During the discussion on climate change, Alex provides scientific data showing the rise in global temperatures over the past century to support his argument. What is this part of an argument called?

Answer: Evidence
Explanation: Evidence is factual information that is used to support a claim. In this scenario, Alex is using scientific data as evidence to back up his argument.


If a question is asked that has nothing to do with the case at hand, use this objection.



Correct the following sentence for subject-verb agreement:

 "The group of students is going on a field trip next week."

  • "The group of students are going on a field trip next week."

In this sentence, "group" is a collective noun, but when referring to the individuals within the group, we use a plural verb "are" to maintain subject-verb agreement.


What mythical creature is she rumored to be?

A Vampire


According to Randy, what was Bob’s biggest problem?

His over-indulgent parents never set limits or told Bob “no.” The result was that Bob acted more and more horrendously in an attempt to have his parents intervene. They never did


In a mock trial about the impact of social media on mental health, Sarah acknowledges the opposing viewpoint that social media provides a platform for connection and information sharing. What part of the argument does this acknowledgment represent?

Explanation: A counterclaim is a contrasting viewpoint or argument that acknowledges the perspectives of those who hold an opposing stance. Sarah's recognition of the positive aspects of social media serves as a counterclaim in the debate.


when a witness includes testimony that was not originally included in the witness statements and this testimony can potentially affect the trial’s outcome.



Explain the importance of proofreading in the writing process.

Proofreading allows writers to identify and correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity of their writing.


What type of music does she listen to?



Ponyboy doesn’t want to fight at all, but he realizes that: Soda fights for _______. Steve fights for _______. Darry fights for _______. Two-Bit fights for _______.

 Soda fights for (fun) Steve fights for (hatred) Darry fights for (pride) Two-Bit fights for (conformity)


In a writing assignment discussing the merits of art education in schools, Jason includes a personal anecdote about how participating in art classes positively impacted his creativity and critical thinking skills. What type of supporting detail is Jason including in his argument?

Explanation: An example is a specific instance or illustration that is provided to further clarify or support a claim. Jason's personal anecdote about his experience in art classes serves as an example to bolster his argument for the importance of art education.


When questions ask a witness to testify to the motives, intentions, or reasons behind the actions of another without knowledge of said motives, intentions, or reasons.



Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentence: 

"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

  • Subject: The quick brown fox
  • Predicate: jumped over the lazy dog

In a sentence, the subject is the person, thing, or idea that is doing or being something, while the predicate is the part of the sentence that provides information about the subject.


What is Ms. Wertz's two favorite things to do?

Read and Draw


Ponyboy has been a thoughtful voice of reason as the narrator of the story, but at the end of this chapter he’s changed and is now what is called an “unreliable narrator.” What’s going on with Ponyboy here in the last few pages of the chapter? Put on your psychologist’s hat as you answer this question.

In his deep grief over Johnny’s death, his mind has slipped into the defense mechanism of denial. He isn’t able yet to fully face the events of the last few days, so he’s lying to himself to try to ease his pain. This is interesting when we look at his statement in the first chapter, when he said, “I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.” On some level, Ponyboy knows that Johnny really is dead and that Johnny was, indeed, the one who stabbed Bob. He’s just not ready to deal with everything.


In a debate about the benefits of school uniforms, a student counters, "While uniforms may promote a sense of unity, they can also limit students' freedom of expression." What part of the argument is emphasized in this statement?

The student is providing a rebuttal in this response. A rebuttal acknowledges and responds to potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints in order to strengthen the overall argument.


When questions are questions that suggest the answer.

Leading the witness


Reconstruct the sentence to improve clarity:

"Not only was the concert amazing, but also it was a memorable experience for all who attended."

The sentence can be reconstructed as: 

"The concert was not only amazing but also a memorable experience for all who attended."


The mural she painted is from what animated movie?

"Spirited Away"
