What is a flood?
When water covers land where it usually isn’t.
What causes lightning?
A build-up of electrical charge inside clouds.
What is a blizzard?
A special kind of big snowstorm.
What is a tornado?
A fast-spinning column of air that stretches from a thunderstorm cloud to the earth’s surface.
What is a hurricane?
A big, powerful storm with strong winds and rain.
Is it safe to explore or swim in floodwater?
No! It can be dangerous because of hidden objects, germs, and strong currents.
What causes thunder?
The heat from lightning makes the air particles move quickly and push against cooler air, creating a loud sound.
How fast do the winds have to be in a blizzard?
At least 55 kilometers per hour—like a car driving down the street.
How fast can tornado winds blow?
Up to 500 kilometers per hour—strong enough to lift cars and trucks into the air.
What’s the calm area in the center of a hurricane called?
The eye.
What happens when the ground gets too full of water, like an over-soaked sponge?
It can’t soak up any more, and flooding starts.
What is inside of clouds during thunderstorms that creates an electrical charge?
Clouds with tiny bits of ice inside them bump into each other.
How do blizzards start?
When warm air meets cold air, with warm air getting pushed on top.
How long can a tornado last?
Anywhere from a few seconds to an hour.
How fast do winds have to be for a storm to be considered a hurricane?
Faster than 119 kilometers an hour.
What should people do to stay safe during a flood?
Stay inside if safe, have an emergency kit, avoid floodwater.
What happens when the positive and negative charges in the cloud and on the ground are just right?
A bolt of lightning jumps between the cloud and the ground.
Does a blizzard need to have a lot of snow to be considered a blizzard?
No, but it usually does.
What kind of storm do tornadoes form inside?
Really big thunderstorms.
How warm does the ocean water need to be for a hurricane to form?
At least 27 degrees Celsius.
How can you tell which parts of a town are higher or lower during a flood?
Higher areas stick out like islands; lower areas are covered in water.
What do the positive and negative charges do when they come near each other?
They attract or pull toward each other, like magnets.
What are the three things needed for a snowstorm to be considered a blizzard?
Strong winds, low visibility, and it has to last at least 3 hours.
What causes tornadoes to form?
When cold, dry air from one direction bumps into warm, wet air from another direction.
What is the first “puzzle piece” needed for a hurricane to form?
Warm ocean water.