spiral structure in the inner ear containing fluid for hearing/carrying vibrations.
dome that refracts rays of light.
Can loud noises cause deafness?
why are images upside down for us when we see them in a concave spoon?
part of the ear that interprets sound
auditory nerve
touches the cornea and is the "whites" of the eye.
can listening to noises for an extended period of time cause hearing loss?
what is the least common type of color blindness?
the cartilage at the top of the protruding part of your ear; the top of the outer ear.
name for this group of eye parts: choroid, iris, and ciliary body.
puncturing your tympanic membrane, listening to loud noises, being in a room with constant lower noise, constant ear infections.
how does vitreous detachment occur?
connective fibers in the eye attach the vitreous to the eye, but over time, they loosen and detach.
known as the "eardrum", connects the outer and middle ear
tympanic membrane
Where does the optic nerve meet the retina?
optic disc
fluid used for vibration travel.
hint: there are two!
perilymph and endolymph
how heavy is the average human eye?
7.5 grams
these 3 middle ear bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) are known as:
contains rods and cones
what age does hearing loss typically occur?
65 and older
not being able to see clearly when an object is further
myopia, or nearsightedness