Nerve tissue that contains rods and cones
What is the retina
Part of the ear external to the head
What is auricle
What is right ear.
What is double vision
What produces aqueous humor?
What is ciliary process.
Houses blood vessels and to nourish the eye
Canal that leads to the eardrum
What is external auditory meatus.
what is left ear.
What is farsightedness
What is the structure behind the pupil that refracts light that enters the eye.
What is lens; or vitreous humor.
transparent anterior portion of the eye.
What is cornea
Middle ear bone known as the hammer
what is malleus.
What is both ears.
what is nearsightedness
responsible for maintaining balance
what is inner ear; or vestibule
Circular color portion of the eye
middle ear known as the anvil
what is earache
Stimulates nerve cell fibers that create nerve impulses.
What is organ of Corti
White of the eye, tough protective covering
What is sclera
Middle ear known as the stirrup
What is stapes.
what is left eye.
otitis media
inflammation of middle ear
Tympanic membrane
What is eardrum