got have I ears two
I have got two ears.
Have you got small nose?
Yes, I have x No, I haven´t.
My sister has got..... eyes.
My sister has got blue, green, brown...eyes.
oko, ucho
eye, ear
got has she nose one
She has got one nose.
No, I (we) haven´t.
My father has got.......... hair and ........eyes.
pusa, ramena, prsty na rukou
mouth, shoulders, fingers
two has he got legs
He has got two legs.
Has your friend got short hair?
Yes, she (he) has. x No, she (he) hasn´t.
My mother has got ............hair and they are short x long.
My mother has got brown, black, pink hair and they are short x long.
hlava, kolena, palce, paže
head, knees, toes, arms
tail got have I one
I have got one tail.
Have you got big ears and green nose?
No, I haven´t.
My brother has got ? eyes, ? ears, ? mouth.
My brother has got big x small x colour eyes, big x small ears, big x small mouth
nos, uši, prsty na nohou, vlasy, brada
nose, ears, toes, hair, chin
got has five ears It
It has got five ears.
Have you got a brother? Has he got brown hair?
Yes, I have. x No, I haven´t.
Yes, he has. X No, he hasn´t.
My uncle has got ..........eyes, ........ears,........nose.
My uncle has got big x small x colour eyes, big x small ears, big x small nose.