Coping Skills
Self Esteem

When you are angry, which coping skill is the most helpful? 

breathing, walking, music, etc (no wrong answer)


What colors do you think of when you think of happiness, sadness, anger and fear?

no wrong answers 

Miss Callie thinks of happy = yellow, sad = blue, anger = red and fear = orange


What are 3 things you like about yourself? 

being nonjudgemental, I try to be kind, my humor, my respect for people, etc (no wrong answers)

What are two things that trigger you the most and why?

people smacking their food, people tapping pens, people being mean to others, bullying, when people make fun of me, etc (no wrong answers)


What is your future goals? (career, money, living, relationships, school etc)

no wrong answers 

Miss Callie's answer: be able to provide for a family and be a good wife and mom


Name 3 coping skills that are not effective for you.

Over sleeping, over or under eating, self harm, etc (no wrong answers)

True or False: Feeling sadness and anger are bad for you and you should avoid them at all costs. 

False! No emotions are bad, they are natural and everyone feels them. What can make emotions "bad" are how to choose to act on them. 


What is the nicest compliment anyone has ever given you? Why was it so important to you? 

No wrong answers

Miss Callie's answer: in middle school I was very shy and self conscious and a girl told me I was angelically pretty that was different from most girls. I still remember it to this day. 


How do you know when you're getting triggered? 

When I want to fight, when I started to feel suicidal, when I get hot and sweaty, when I want to cry, etc (no wrong answers)


What 4 words best describe what your family is like?

affectionate, loud, close-knit, competitive, distant, dysfunctional, loving, strained, tender, warm, etc (no wrong answers)


Name 5 coping skills that are most helpful to you. 

fidget toys, positive self talk, journaling, blowing bubbles, complimenting someone, counting to 100, draw, do a puzzle, etc (no wrong answers)


What feeling have you felt the most this week? (If you need help ask for a feelings wheel)

No wrong answers :)


Share 2 times where you were proud of yourself and why.

No wrong answers

Miss Callie's answer: when I graduated with my master and got my counseling license


When a friend is triggered, what are some ways you can try to help them? 

actively listening without judgment, validating their feelings, offering a safe space to express themselves, asking how you can support them, respecting their need for space if necessary, and encouraging them to use coping mechanisms they may already have, etc (no wrong answers)


Who are you most similar to in your family and why?

no wrong answers 

Miss Callie's answer: my mom, we have similar personalities and look alike 


When you are feeling depressed or sad, which coping skill is the most helpful? 

exercise, talking to a counselor or friend, spending time in nature, meditation, deep breathing, hobbies, journaling, etc (no wrong answers)


True or False: The best way to deal with anger is to find a healthy way to express it. 



What are three things that make you unique from other people? 

I can speak 2 languages, I like scary movies, etc (no wrong answers)


What is something you may do that triggers others?

Gossip, move around a lot, cuss, etc (no wrong answers)


What does a healthy friendship look like?

kind of no wrong answers

A healthy friendship is built on mutual respect, trust, and shared experiences. It's a safe, comfortable space where you feel valued, appreciated, and accepted.


What are some ways you can develop new coping skills?

Ask Miss Callie, practice using them in a good mood so it is natural to use in a bad mood, google some, etc (no wrong answers)


Share an experience in which you did not understand how you were feeling until later. What was going on and what did you learn about yourself? 

No wrong answers

Miss Callie's answer is: When I graduated college and moved cities I didn't know if I was happy, sad or anxious. Turns out I was all three! I learned that multiple emotions can be felt at once. 


Courage happens when we are comfortable with being uncomfortable. Share a time when you have felt this. What did you learn about yourself? 

No wrong answers

Miss Callie's answer: When I started counseling for the first time I was very uncomfortable and unsure but I had courage and now I love what I do!


After you have been triggered, how do you calm yourself down?

practicing deep breathing exercises, engaging in mindfulness or meditation, using progressive muscle relaxation techniques, identifying your triggers, and grounding yourself by focusing on your senses in the present moment; if needed, remove yourself from the triggering situation, etc (no wrong answers)


When is the last time someone hurt you emotionally? What did they do and how did you cope? 

no wrong answers
