Reading Workshop
School Safety
About Ms. Painter
Classroom Expectations

Just right books are books that not too _____ and not too ____ .

What are not too hard and not too easy?


I must be at least this many feet apart from a person while on campus.

What is 3 feet?


The type of writing that I am learning about in class and writing in my ISN

What are personal narrative/small moment/seed stories?


The name of Ms. Painter's daughter

What is Nora?


Anytime I'm in Ms. Painter's class I will be ______, _______, and _____ !

What are respectful, helpful, and ALL IN!


The genre that we are currently studying.

What is fiction?


One method to disinfect myself while in the classroom.

What is using hand sanitizer?


The POV and tense that I will be writing my story in...(looking for 2 answers)

What is First Person POV and past tense?


The original career path that Ms. Painter wanted to pursue

What is medicine/research?


If Ms. Painter is conferencing with another student or doing her independent work, and I need to ask a question about what we're doing, I can....

What is quietly ask my neighbor the question then get right back to my reading/writing?


The amount of time spent each day reading in our spots without distraction.

What is 30 minutes?


Something I must do before I transition from class to class that follows safety guidelines.

What is use wipe to disinfect my desk?


The way small moment stories are meant to be written

What is bit by bit? What is to leave breadcrumbs? What is to create a movie?


The type of learning environment that works best for Ms. Painter to do her best reading and writing.

What is in a quiet setting, comfortable, hard surface to write on, all materials in one place, no distractions

The expectation Ms. Painter for classroom property before we transition each day (3 things)

What is disinfected, cleaned, where it's supposed to be?


2 examples of things I can do to while book shopping to make my reading a 10 out of 10. 

What are find books that are on my level (not too easy not too hard) and find a book that interests me (subgenre matches my likes).


I must have this/these in my backpack each day and replenish before returning to school each morning.

What is/are masks?


All the parts that make up a personal narrative (there are 3 big components)

What are BME, hook/lead, problem/resolution OR lesson learned?


Ms. Painter favorite thing to do outside of school.

What is be near the water?

The 4 things students will do when they enter the classroom each day.

sanitize hands immediately, go straight to desk, follow directions given on board, make sure all materials are ready to go before we begin (sharpen pencils, take out supplies and turn in forms...) in 60 seconds!


Some examples of things that I could jot down as I'm reading

What is character traits, theme, changes, setting, questions, story elements, inferences/predictions about what is to come next, summaries/big moments, or my own thoughts and ideas.


The only times that I am permitted to remove my mask.

What is when I am eating/drinking, during recess, and during P.E?

2 specific examples of methods I can use to make my stories jump out of the page.

What are use sound words, dialogue, and sensory language (sight, taste, touch, sound, emotions, smell)?


This is Ms. Painter's favorite time of year.

What is fall?


The only students that are allowed to be out of their chair at any given time during independent reading time

What are students going to the restroom, student getting tissue/sneezing/coughing, or student with one of the 3 Bs?
