How did Beatty die?
What is flamethrower
Who is Montag's wife
Who is Mildred
What was Montag's book
What is the book of Ecclesiastes
Who did Clarisse say influenced her the most
Who is her uncle
How did Clarisse die
What is hit by a car
What page did Montag say, "We never burned right..."
What is page 113
Which character said, "It was a pleasure to burn"
What book was Granger
What is Plato's Republic
What is Clarisse's last name
What is McClellan
How did the old lady die?
What is gruesomely went up in flames
What page did Granger say, "Phoenix"
What is page 156
Who said, "And because they had mass, they became simpler."
Who is Beatty
What book was mentioned the most
What is The Bible
Why is Clarisse antisocial
What is she is social
Who ratted Montag out to Beatty?
Who is Mildred and friends?
What page did the TV voice say, "There's Montag! The search is done!"
What is 142
Who helped Montag escape
Who is Faber
What book did Jonathan Swift write
What is Gulliver's Travels
What is 200 feet
Who did the government take in place of Montag in the chase scene?
Who is random guy?
What page says , "Montag, you shine that pole like a bird up a tree."
What does Beatty instruct Montag to use when torching his house?
What is a flamethrower
What is this book called
What is Fahrenheit 451
What does Clarisse say happens when you rub a dandelion under your chin
What is it show's if your in love