Social Situations
Types of figurative language

Two friends, Sam and Lena, are talking about a party Sam is hosting. Lena wasn’t invited.

Sam's Comment:
"I didn’t invite you because I knew you wouldn’t like that kind of crowd anyway."

Sara’s Likely Feelings:
Sara might feel dismissed or invalidated, as Mike seems to downplay her disappointment. She may feel that her hard work and ambition are being overlooked, and the comment could come across as patronizing.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Frustration: “I was really looking forward to the promotion. I wanted that responsibility.”
  • Disappointment: “It’s not about the stress. I just feel like I worked really hard for nothing.”

Her smile was like sunshine, brightening up the room.

What is a simile?


I always try to study in the morning because the early bird catches the worm.

Those who start early have the best chance of success.


Two friends, Mia and Jake, had plans for the weekend, but Jake canceled at the last minute.

Jake's Comment:
"I just didn’t feel like going out this weekend. We can always hang out later."

Mia’s Likely Feelings:
Mia could feel unimportant or disappointed. Jake’s casual tone might make her feel like their plans weren’t a priority, which could lead to hurt feelings.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Disappointment: “I was really looking forward to it. It’s frustrating that you canceled at the last minute.”
  • Hurt: “I feel like hanging out with me isn’t that important to you.”

Time is a thief that steals our moments.

What is a metaphor?


We don’t have much time, so let’s cut to the chase and discuss the main issues.

To get to the point without wasting time.


Context: A professor gives feedback on a student's work in front of the class. The student, Josh, put in a lot of effort but received critical feedback.

Professor's Comment:
"This could have been a lot better if you had spent more time on it."

Josh’s Likely Feelings:
Josh might feel embarrassed or demoralized, especially if he put significant effort into the project. Public criticism may lead to a sense of failure or lack of recognition for his work.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Embarrassment: “I actually spent a lot of time on this. I didn’t think it would turn out like this.”
  • Defensiveness: “I did work hard on it. I’m not sure what went wrong.”

The wind whispered through the trees, carrying secrets of the night.

What is personification?


My grandma always says she'll go skydiving before she kicks the bucket.

To die (often used humorously or light-heartedly)


Two friends, Emma and Chloe, are discussing Emma's recent breakup.

Chloe's Comment:
"At least now you can focus on yourself. That relationship was holding you back anyway."

Emma’s Likely Feelings:
Emma could feel hurt or misunderstood, as Chloe’s comment dismisses her emotional pain. It might feel like her friend is minimizing her grief or frustration over the breakup.

Potential Emotional Response:

  • Hurt: “I know you mean well, but it still hurts to lose someone.”
  • Sadness: “That relationship meant a lot to me, even if it wasn’t perfect.”

It’s raining cats and dogs outside.

What is an idiom?


I was caught between a rock and a hard place when I had to choose between a summer job and an internship.

Facing two difficult choices.


Two friends, Mia and Jordan, are sitting together at a café. Mia recently lost her grandmother, who was very important to her.

Mia's Statement:
"I just can’t believe she’s gone. It feels like I lost a part of myself."

Possible Responses

  1. Jordan's Feelings:

    • Empathy: Jordan may feel deep sympathy for Mia, recognizing her pain and wanting to offer support.
    • Discomfort: Jordan might also feel awkward discussing death, unsure of what to say to comfort Mia.
  2. Potential Emotional Responses:

    • Empathetic Response: “I’m so sorry, Mia. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. Do you want to talk about her?”
    • Awkward Response: “Uh, yeah… that’s really tough. I’m sorry for your loss.” (Might lead to a pause or change of subject due to discomfort.)

I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!

What is a hyperbole?


After failing the test twice, I was tempted to throw in the towel, but I decided to study harder.

To give up or admit defeat.
