What Is Called The White Surface of a Tooth?
How Much Time Is Required to Have a Good Brushing?
At Least 2 Minutes
Can a Toothless Baby Get a Cavity?
Yes because the bacteria will affect the tooth under the gums and will slow the eruption.
Do We Have Premolars When We Are Kids?
No, they'll take the place of the molars later on.
What Is The Best Brand of Toothpaste to Avoid Abrasive and Chemical Substances?
What Are The 4 Things Needed to Create a Cavity?
1. Sugar
2. Teeth
3. Bacteria (Biofilm)
4. Time
How Many Teeth Does a Kid Have (before he loses them)
20 Teeth
Cavities Are The Most Spread Diseases. Are They Contagious?
They are extremely contagious if not treated.
Can You Reverse a Cavity?
Yes, if it's still at an early stage (Enamel) and not passed the dentine. Flossing and good hygiene will help.
What Is The Hardest Part Of Our Body
The Enamel
How Much Time Do You Wait to Brush Your Teeth After Having Breakfast or Any Kind of Food?
30 to 60 minutes, to let the pH go back to neutral
More Than 60% Of 6-11 years old have at least one cavity. True or False
How many Surfaces Have a Tooth?
3 (Lingual, Buccal, Occlusal)
Should you brush Hard To remove The Plaque from your Teeth?
No, it will not help but only damage the gums and create problems over time.
When a Tooth Is Dead Is It Painful?
No since they're is no more nerve alive