Victa's favourite Energy drink flavour ?
V - original
Consent Team email address
What month did Stevo start working with Advantedge ?
What is Patricks Shoe size
42 EU or 8
Settlement Team email address ?
What Brand is Ameena's Bag?
Marcs Barbados Nero
As per SLA email what the date of Discharge for which refunds are processed?
25th Nov
What is certificate of occupancy called in QLD ?
Form 21 Final inspection certificate
Documents needed for issuing Section 27 for a discharge request
1)DA form Signed and S27 option ticked
2)Letter from solicitor requesting for section 27
3) Executed contract of sale
What is Jesse Middle name ?
True /False
AMR doesnt make an Out bound call for Rate review request place via email ?
True - AMR dont make calls for request place via email , emails are send advising best rate as per SLA.
When is loan is discharge and DDR button is frozen where can be find details of the previous DDR details on file
B&B Print
What is the product type for Construction interest only
I am not alive but seem so, because I dance and breathe with no legs or lungs of my own.
What has green hair, a round red head and a long thin white beard?
What is the insurance amount customer need to add on Certificate of currency ?
Amount equal to or more than Building contract .
Who is the BSA for BDMs = David G, Sharon P, Natalie M, Mark (AFG)
Sarah Camenzuli
Who is the BSA for BDMs = Beau M, Tanja D, Mark D (AFG)
Aaron Pogorzelski
Apart from Bank error , mention other two criteria for Credit escalation
Finance Due within 2 business days
Settlement Due in 5 business days
True or False
We dont order Valuation for Mortgage Choice home loan Smartselect
False - We do order valuation for Smartselect
As per SLA email who is POC for QC team
Ritendra Soni
Letter for insurance company
Damage report
Confirmation on how the insurance funds will be used
Customer solutions Contact number
1300 854 514
For Subdivision / Consolidation / Amalgamation / Section 173 Agreements what the three team who need to approve the request ?
Nab legal - Issue Legal Memo
Credit - reviews legal Memo and provide approval
Consents team - approves and sent to MSA national
what does Fast Redraw error AC07 mean
Nominated Account not found.