This body part helps you hear music
what are ears?
This color is the color of grass
what is green?
How many wheels does a bicycle have?
what is 2?
This shape looks like a slice of pizza
what is a triangle?
the feeling when you see your best friend?
what is happy?
This part helps you bite your food
what are teeth?
This color is the color of snow.
what is white?
What number comes before 10?
what is 9?
This shape is round and has no corners.
what is a circle?
the feeling when a friend can't play with you?
what is sad?
this body part helps you smell flowers.
what is a nose?
This color is the same as the sun
what is yellow?
How many sides does a triangle have?
what is 3?
This shape has four equal sides and looks like a box
what is a square?
the feeling when you touch ice?
what is cold?
This part moves when you smile.
what is a mouth?
This color is like the color of a blueberry
what is blue?
How many months are in one year?
what is 12?
This shape can be found on a Christmas tree
what is a star?
the feeling when it's time for bed?
what is sleepy?
This body part helps you taste your food
what is a tongue?
This color is the opposite of black
what is white?
How many fingers and toes do you have?
what is 20?
This shape is often seen on Valentine's Day
what is a heart?
the feeling when it's time for lunch?
what is hungry?