Travels and Tourism
Defining and non-defining
Science and Technology

How many types of compound nouns are there ?

3: One word; hyphenated; more than one word


Say several types of holidays (say at least 7 types)

luxury, family holiday, safari holiday, cycling, adventure holiday, cultural, all-inclusive, honeymoon, cruise, activity holiday, city-break, camping; package holidays; budget adventure holidays; round-the-world trips


What is a relative clause? Give examples

A relative clause is a type of dependent clause that provides additional information about a noun in the main clause.


What is a conditional sentence?

A conditional sentence expresses a hypothetical situation or a cause-and-effect relationship.


to move text and pictures up and down a screen



Which tense do we use for the following usages:

•For actions which will happen in the future;

•it is often used in conditional statements or hypothetical situations ?

will (future simple tense)


What word's the definition is it: An official permission for someone to enter, leave, or stay in a country



Provide an example of a sentence with a defining relative clause.

"The book that I borrowed from the library is really interesting"


What is the difference between zero and first conditionals (their usages)?

zero conditional is used for truths, facts or natural laws;

first conditional is used for possible situations (present or future)


a sequence of pictures you send and receive every day



Which tense do we use for the following usages:

•For plans and intentions we have about the near future;

•to make predictions about the future based on evidences.

be going to


A form of insurance that covers unexpected problems that may arise during travel, such as lost luggage or medical emergencies

Travel insurance


What is the main difference between defining and non-defining relative clauses?

Defining relative clauses provide essential information to identify or define the noun, while non-defining relative clauses provide additional, non-essential information.


Fill in the blank: "If she had told me earlier, I ________ mad now."

"If she had told me earlier, I wouldn't have been mad now."


Complete the sentence:

Danny Wallace is a British film maker, comedian, writer and TV presenter. His book Yes Man was published in 2005 and describes how he spent _________ saying ‘yes’ where normally he would have said ‘no’, to make his life more interesting and positive.

6 months 


What is the usage of modifying comparatives and how to form it?

The usage of modifying comparatives involves comparing two or more things and indicating a difference in degree or quality. 

modifying comparatives + comparative adj/adv


Explain the differences of the confusing words (give the definitions of the words): 

travel; journey; trip; voyage

•A travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances.

•A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle.

•A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back.

•A voyage is a very long trip, usually at sea or in space


How are non-defining relative clauses usually set off from the rest of the sentence?

Non-defining relative clauses are usually set off by commas.


What is the difference between second and third conditionals (their usages)?

The second conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely present or future situations. It expresses conditions and outcomes that are unreal or unlikely to happen in reality.

The third conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or unreal past situations. It expresses conditions and outcomes that are contrary to what actually happened in the past.


What does mean sympathy and give an example for sympathizing

Sympathy is feeling sorry, sorrow for another's misfortune. You feel bad for someone based on their problems or unhappiness.

I'm sorry for your loss.

That must be really difficult for you.

I can't imagine what you're going through..


What is the difference of Present simple and Present continuous tense about future time and explain their usages?

Present simple is used for action/situations which is given in timetables/schedules.

Present continuous is used for arrangements or arranged meetings/ activities/ actions.


Translate the following travel verbs:


take off;



get on (transports)

get in (transports)

get off (transports)

see off (someone)

come across (with someone or something)




check in;

stop off;

turn back;

pick up (someone)

land - қону

take off - ұшу

depart - ұшу, кету

arrive - келу, қайта оралу

get on (transports) - отыру (автобус, поезд, метро) 

get in (transports) - отыру, міну (жеке көліктерге)

get off (transports) -  шығу, түсу

see off (someone) - шығарып салу біреуді

come across (with someone or something) - кездейсоқ кездестіру

delay- кейінге шегерілу

board - ұшаққа отырғызу

book - тапсырыс жасау, забронировать

check in - тіркелу

stop off - уақытша тоқтау

turn back - қайта оралу

pick up (someone) - алып кету, күтіп алу


True or False: Relative clauses always begin with a relative pronoun.



Which conditional can be used for giving advice and imperative sentences? Provide an example

Zero conditional: 

If it rains, take an umbrella. 

If you have any questions, ask the teacher. 

If you want to lose weight, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.


Complete the sentence:

In 2016, the Smart Astana app was launched. The app offers more than 100 services – for example, you can use it ___________________________________________(you have to tell at least three services)

to order a taxi, buy tickets for a concert, make a doctor’s appointment, receive notifications from school, write recommendations about public services and much more.
