How often should you get a physical exam?
Once per year
What is the key to reducing bike injuries and death?
What is the most common skin condition in the US?
Why is it important to drink enough water every day
To prevent hydration
If you do this when driving in a car, you significantly reduce the likelihood of serious crash-related injuries and death.
Wear a seatbelt
During what season of the year should you get the flu shot?
How often should you see the dentist?
Every 6 months
What can happen if you regularly listen to loud music?
You can lose your hearing.
Your backpack should weigh no more that what percentage of your body weight?
10-20% of your body weight
What is the most common cause of accidental poisonings among children?
Prescription medications; cleaning supplies; batteries or magnets; Over the counter pain medications; vitamins; antihistamines
What is a possible side effect of body piercings?
What is anaphylactic shock?
It is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that can occur within seconds or minutes of being exposed to something like a bee sting or peanuts. It is critical to get medical attention right away.
How often should you get your eyes checked?
Every 1-2 years
What is the leading cause of unintentional death for children ages 1-4, after car accidents?
Not including COVID-19, what medical condition is the cause of the most missed days of school for children and teens?