This event is said to be the beginning AND the year
Fall of Rome 476
the Christian society of Europe during this time AND a movement to voluntarily separate from society and dedicate life to god/worship
Christendom AND Monasticism
Both kings of Franks... one in the 500s and one in 800s
Clovis and Charlemagne
mounted soldiers on horseback AND their oath of loyalty
knights AND fealty
Granting of land for service AND the one receiving the land AND the name of the piece of land AND the oath owed by the one receiving it AND peasants that worked there
feudal system, vassal, fief, vassal, fealty, serfs
its the name of the civilization that continued Roman culture in the East AND its Capital
Byzantine And Constantinople
the leader of a monastery/abbey AND the leader with strict rules
abbot AND Benedict of Nursia
he explored all the way to North America during this time AND what group/culture was he a part of
Leif Erikson AND Viking
Peasants AND the land that they worked on for the lord
Serfs AND fief
King John had to sign it in 1215. It limited the Kings power and protected nobles rights
Magna Carta
The husband and wife co-emperors of the Byzantine Empire AND what revolt almost ended their rule
Justinian and Theodora AND Nika revolt at the Hippodrome (their circus)
the monks known for their "singing" of hymns and prayers AND what we call the "singing"
Gregorian AND chanting
He did a great job of uniting England against the Vikings
Alfred the Great
Charlemagne counted on them to run his empire AND the states controlled by the Pope
counts AND papal state
The Muslims that attacked and settled in Spain AND the Christian effort to drive them out and reconquer the area
Moors and Reconquista
Religious images AND pictures made with pieces of glass, stone, tile
icons and mosaics
Two groups that attacked monasteries ... one from the south? one from the north?
Moors and Vikings
He was from France but claimed the English Throne and invaded to take it AND his book to keep up with taxes owed
William the Conqueror AND Domesday Book
Three terms for this time period
Dark, Middle, Medieval
Three accomplishments of Justinian AND which Dark Ages King tried to bring Europe out of the Dark Ages and 3 ways he tried
Reconquered Italy, Built the Hagia Sophia, Revised the Law Code, increased trade. AND..Charlemagne United Europe under his reign, built churches and schools, increased Trade
the system of exchanging land for military or other services AND the economic system built around large estates owned by lords
feudal and manorial systems
the "new" church formed in the Byzantine Empire that DID NOT allow Icons AND the great church of Constantinople
Orthodox AND Hagia Sophia
She was a powerful French women who ruled England and 1/2 of France with her husband
Eleanor of Aquitaine
traveling from place to place AND Viking stories about their travels and adventures
navigation AND sagas
The pope AND the king that argued over who should appoint bishops or other clergy.
Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV
(Gregory excommunicated or banned Henry from the church... Henry then begged to be let back in... eventually he was)