What was the name of the social hierarchy in feudal Europe, with the King at the top and serfs at the bottom?
What is the feudal system?
What year did King John, under pressure from rebellious barons, agree to the Magna Carta, a document that limited royal power and established rights for the first time?
What is 1215?
how much people die because of the black death
50 million people
What were the Crusades and what were their primary goals and outcomes
the Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated by the Christian Latin Church in the medieval period, primarily aimed at reclaiming the Holy Land from Muslim control and establishing Christian states in the region.
This is the name of the trophy awarded to the winner of the Super Bowl in 2024
Vince Lombardi Trophy
What is the name of the most famous medieval trade route that connected Europe to China?
What is the Silk Road
This document, signed at Runnymede, included clauses that established the principle that the king was not above the law and guaranteed rights like a fair trial and protection of property. What is the name of this document?
What is the Magna Carta?
What is the bubonic plague?
swollen lymph nodes that were a key symptom of the Black Death?
This city, sacred to three major religions, was a primary target and prize in the Crusades
The NFL is divided into two conferences, the AFC and this one.
What is the name of the large, fortified home of a lord or knight?
What is a castle
This document, while initially intended for the protection of the barons, laid the foundation for the principles of limited government and individual rights that have influenced legal systems worldwide. What is the name of this document?
What is the Magna Cart
What are buboes?
What is the name of the group of people who traveled through Europe, whipping themselves to atone for sins and believing they were preventing the plague?
why was it so hard for the Christian pilgrims to access to the holy land.
the Seljuk Turks, who took control of the Holy Land, made it difficult for Christian pilgrims to visit by imposing taxes, charges, and potentially mistreating them, and also because of the political turmoil and danger that followed their takeover.
This team, known as "America's Team", has won the most Super Bowls.
Who is the New England Patriots
What is the name of the code of conduct for knights, emphasizing honor, bravery, and chivalry?
What is chivalry?
What is the name of the meadow where King John and the rebellious barons met to seal the Magna Carta?
What is Runnymede?
What are the Flagellants
What is the name of the period of time in which the Black Death occurred, from 1346 to 1353?
What are the Knights Templar
Roman Catholic religious and military order
Who is the New England Patriots
a football team
What is the name of the widespread medieval disease that killed a large portion of the European population?
What is the Black Death
The Magna Carta included clauses that stated that no free man should be seized, imprisoned, or dispossessed except by the lawful judgement of his peers or the law of the land. This is a provision that would later be enshrined in which constitutional principle
What is the principle of due process?
What is the name of the period of time in which the Black Death occurred, from 1346 to 1353?
What is the 14th century?
how is baybars 1
Most eminent sultan of the Mamlūk dynast
This player has won the most Super Bowl MVP awards
Tom Brady