Cellular Regulation

symptoms and treatment for hypoglycemia 

symptoms: sweating, shaky, dizzy, tachycardia, blurred vision, weak/fatigued, HA, anxious, rapid/shallow breathing 


1st check blood glucose to confirm!

If alert and able to swallow give 15 grams of simple carb then recheck in 15 min (and repeat)

If unable to swallow give glucagon or D50W then recheck blood glucose in 15 min 


risk factors for HTN

older age, Black/African Americans, excess alcohol, family history, assigned male at birth, high sodium diets, obesity, physical inactivity, dyslipidemia, DM, stress, smoking 


types of goals for cancer care

cure: permanent removal of all cancer cells from the body 

control: preventing the growth and spread

palliation: relieve symptoms to increase quality of life  


Risk factors for chronic kidney disease and education to reduce them 

risk factors: CV disease (diet/exercise, cholesterol levels WNL), diabetes (maintain stable glucose levels/diet/exercise), HTN(maintain BP within normal, BP meds, diet/exercise, stress reduction), obesity (diet/exercise)


teaching post thyroidectomy 

monitor for bleeding

pain management

semi-fowlers with head on pillows, avoid turning head and talking as little as possible

educate on the need for life-long thyroid hormone replacement 


treatment/care for peripheral venous disease  (venous insufficiency) 



no prolonged sitting or standing 


teaching for thrombocytopenia 

bleeding precautions:

soft bristle tooth brush, electric razor, no contact sports, etc


treatment for hepatic encephalopathy

lactulose and antibiotics 


chronic complications of diabetes and ways to reduce the risks


- retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy: for all of these maintain tight control of blood glucose. Vision checks for retinopathy. Daily foot checks and foot care for neuropathy. Maintain BP and low sodium diet to help with nephropathy 


- CAD, PVD, and cerebrovascular disease: tight control of blood glucose, BP, and cholesterol 


treatment/care for PAD

exercise program

cholesterol management, BP management, BG control, weight reduction and smoking cessation 

drug therapy: statins, anti platelet drugs, and cilostazol 

may have angioplasty or surgery 

Nursing: foot care, avoid heating blankets, hot water (direct heat) but keep extremities warm, NO compression,  keep extremities dependent (dangling down) 


chemo precautions 

to administer chemo you must be certified

need goggles, gown, mask, shoe covers, absorbent pads, and a chemo trash bucket 


AV fistula nursing care

monitor for s/s infection, check bruit and thrill, NO blood draws of BP on that arm


what happens in DKA and what is the treatment 

with DKA there is hyperglycemia (BG>250)- the kidneys cannot reabsorb that much glucose so it spills into the urine and with it goes a lot of fluids (osmotic diuresis), the body also goes through ketosis and metabolic acidosis. This can be life-threatening

treatment: fluid and electrolyte replacement, correct acidosis with sodium bicarb, treat hyperglycemia with insulin (regular insulin if IV), and educate on ways to prevent recurrence 


stage 2 HTN (dx, treatment, and teaching)

stage 2 is SPB of 140+ and DBP 90+

to be diagnosed there needs to be 2 or more abnormal readings taken 1-4 weeks apart by a healthcare provider 

treatment: thiazides, ACE inhibitors, ARBs or CCBs (CCBs or thiazides for Black patients)

teaching: therapeutic lifestyle changes, education on meds, low sodium diet (DASH)


types of radiation and nursing education/roles

external beam: people are not considered radioactive 

internal beam (brachytherapy): radiation is implanted in the person so they can emit radiation to others (so they should be in a private room, etc)  

nursing: manage symptoms, for external beam you need to assess skin (no lotions, deodorant, etc) and nutrition (from mucositis) 


complications of hemodyalisis 

anemia, hypotension, muscle cramps, sleep disturbances, PUD/metallic taste in mouth/N/V, SOB, dialysis disequilibrium, sepsis and access site 


myxedema coma symptoms and treatment 

symptoms:hypothermia, CV collapse, hypoventilation, hypoglycemia/hyponatremia/lactic acidosis 

treatment: monitor O2 and give oxygen as needed, passive rewarming, correct sodium and glucose, IV thyroid replacement hormone 


symptoms and dx for angina 

*tip- also review cardiac rehabilitation :)

symptoms: agonizing chest pain that may radiate to neck/jaws/shoulder/left arm. May feel a choking/strangling sensation 

diagnosis: ECG, CK-MB, and troponin to rule out MI

- NTG is given and if it helps it is angina, if it doesn't it is a sign it is an MI

stress test and cardiac Cath may also be done 


cancer screening options for the colon and breasts 

colon: a fecal occult blood test (gFOBT), sigmoidoscopy, or CT colonography every 5 years OR a colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 45

breast: mammogram yearly starting at age 40 


care for ascites 

monitor weight and abdominal girth, I&O's, respiratory status and labs

low sodium diet

diuretics such as loops and spironolactone 

IV albumin

bed rest in upright position

