Jamie’s age?
What is 30?
The word for 30 in Spanish.
What is treinta?
This is a holiday in March.
What is St. Patrick’s Day? 🍀
Jamie’s first boyfriend. (Imaginary)
Who is Conk?
Jamie’s astrological sign.
What is Pisces?
The High School Jamie went to.
What is Monte Vista?
The 4 months that have 30 days.
What are April, June, September and November?
This is what is celebrated during month of March.
What is Women’s History month?
This is where J and Blake met.
What is Cal Poly?
Jamie‘ niece’s softball team.
Who are the Phantoms?
This is one of Jamie’s teachers from elementary school.
Who is Garrett/Scott, Martin, Irwin…?
Jamie’s generation.
What is Gen Z?
A saying referring to the weather in March.
What is “in like a lion, out like a lamb”?
Pop star Jamie cried when meeting.
Who is Nick Jonas?
Who is Taylor?
The year Jamie was born.
What is 1995?
A movie with 30 in its title.
What is 13 Going on 30.
A celebrity that shares J’s birthday.
Who is Shaquille O’Neal?
Jamie’s nephew’s birthday.
What is May 14, 2014?
Jamie’s nephew’s birthday
What is May 14, 2014?
The school where Jamie works.
What is Fair Oaks?
Three even numbers that equal 30.
What is: 2, 8 and 20
8, 10 and 12
National day that falls on March 6.
When is National Dentist day?
Jamie’s boyfriend’s middle name.
What is Daniel?
An adjective starting J
What is jumpy, jazzy, joyful, jolly, jiffy?