Cual es el nombre de tú maestra es...
Senorita Gomez
10 mins passed 12 in the afternoon would be?
Son las doce y diez a la tarde
What is the the body part that connects the head to the body called?
what is el cuello
Correct the following sentence:
Yo vas ir a la escuela
Yo voy ir a la escuela
What day(s) is dia de los muertos celebrated
1-2nd de novembre
What are the three colors on a traffic light
what is Rojo, Amarillo, Verde
Its 12:30 in 45 minutes it would be what time?
Es la una y cuarto
Es la una y quiñce
what do people use to smell good and bad things with.
La nariz
Yo ponerse mi mochila
Yo me pongo mi mochila
What do you call a soap opera in spanish
A telenovela
Translate this sentence in ingles
¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?
What do you do in your free time?
A quarter till 5 would be
Son las cinco menos quiñce
son las cuarto y cuarenta y cinco
What grows on your head and needs to be cut normally
El pelo
Me cepillarse los dientes
Me cepillo los dientes
What is a quinceañera party
Party for girl transiting into a woman on her 15th bday!!
What are all the seasons in spanish?
el invierno, la primavera, el verano, el otoño
How do you ask what time is it
Qué hora es?
El codo is connected to the what
el brazo
conjugation ser
soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son
What is the colors in columbia's flag
amarillo, azul, rojo