Where can you get a pencil?
The green sharpened pencil bin
BONUS: after you have turned in your dull pencil into the pink bin
BONUS: bubbles and bunny talils/hip and lip
BFES Bullfrogs are f_________.
During skills block?
On the carpet
What should be in your groups supply bin?
Pencils, erasure, glue sticks and crayons.
BONUS: if you have all your tools!
During morning work
Bonus: with table partners
BFES Bullfrogs are r__________.
When walking in the hall?
On a bullfrog.
Where do we put our papers we want to take home?
Our mailbox
During independent work like Lexia and Exact Path
BFES Bullfrogs take o_________ over their learning and choices.
In the morning?
At my seat.
Who sharpens pencils?
The table helper
BFES Bullfrogs are g______ everyday.
During literacy/math rotations?
What days do we take home and turn in our yellow folders?
We turn our folders in on Monday and turn them back in by Friday with completed homework for Dojo Points
Outside and outside only
BFES bullfrogs are s____ with their bodies and others.
Bathroom breaks
In the bathroom or waiting in line.