Name the Face

This is the face that examines the social construction of meaning through interpersonal interactions

What is SI?


This is the theoretical framework that looks at how people try to present themselves to others in a positive way.

What is the dramaturgical approach?


An SSP researcher is studying the effects of immigration status on juvenile delinquency.

This is the principle of SSP that identifies immigration status as the part of larger society that is important for this study.

What is the components principle?


This this the research method most commonly used in GPS.

What are experiments?


If a researcher finds that students with more money score higher on placement tests, this means that amount of money and test scores are:

What is correlated?


This face studies how macro-level inequalities influence groups

What is GPS?


This theoretical framework uses breaching experiments to study how people struggle to create meaning in situations where social norms are broken.

What is ethnomethodology?


An SSP researcher is studying the effects of immigration status on juvenile delinquency.

This is the principle of SSP that highlights the importance of children's families in relating immigration status to delinquency levels.

What is the proximity principle?


In status characteristics theory, these are the characteristics of group members that apply to the task at hand.

What are specific status characteristics?


A researcher wants to study the influence of educational attainment on income level.

This is her dependent variable.

What is income level?


This face studies the ways in which social stratification impacts individuals via their proximate environments.

What is SSP?


Within the SI face, ______ explores the construction of social norms through small group interactions, as well as the differing situational definitions of people in a given setting.

What is Chicago School SI?


In role theory, this is the name for a situation in which the many roles associated within a single status come into conflict.

What is intrarole conflict?


Researchers using status characteristics theory have disrupted status structures by giving groups tasks that draw on more than one skillset, so that groups must rely on multiple members to work together. This type of task exhibits:

What is incompatible complexity?


This is the research method used by qualitative researchers who ask study participants open-ended questions in order to collect detailed responses.

What are in-depth interviews?


This face looks at the impact of the conditions of the immediate environment on the way people behave.

What is PSP


This is the part of Mead's self that is socially shaped and reflects the expectations of other people

What is the me?


In role theory, this is the word for a student, worker, athlete, friend, man, Latina, middle-class person, etc.

What is a status?


This is the term used by social identity theorists to describe groups formed in a laboratory based on trivial characteristics, such as dot over-estimators and under-estimators.

What are minimal groups?


One advantage of this face of social psychology is that its qualitative methods provide a high level of detail about the people it studies.

What is SI?


This face looks at the ways in which a person's family, school, and work environments are important in shaping the way their status characteristics influence them.

What is SSP?


A fan shows up at a celebrity's house. The fan believes he is providing enthusiastic support, but the celebrity views the meeting as creepy and dangerous. Within Chicago School SI, these differing perceptions are referred to as:

What are situational definitions?


A student from a lower-class background is tracked into lower level math and science classes. His interactions with his teachers and peers make him think that he isn't smart and he doesn't try as hard anymore.

This is the principle of SSP that describes the change in this student's view of himself and the amount of effort he puts into his schoolwork.

What is the psychology principle?


A researcher wants to study people's identification with groups, and the ways in which we tend to think positively of our own group and negatively of other groups. The researcher would likely draw from this GPS theory.

What is social identity theory?


The use of _____ in experiments allows researchers to analyze causal relationships between variables.

What are control groups?
