How many sport related concussions are diagnosed in the US each year?
between 2.5-4 Million
Identify the structure below
The outer ear consists of the tympanic membrane (eardrum, the ear canal, and the __________.
With a detached retina, one unique symptom the athlete will experience aside from pain, and blurred vision would be seeing ________________________ that are not actually present.
light/ sparks or streaks of light
There are a total of how many bones in the face?
A bruise of the lung due to impact such as a softball to the chest is known as a _________________.
Pulmonary Contusion
The heart has 4 total chambers. 2 ___________ and 2 ________________.
Atrias ; Ventricles
The lower jaw bone is known as the __________?
With a tooth dislocation, if a designated saline tooth container is not available, the tooth can be temporarily stored in __________ to keep the tooth alive for reimplantation.
Hyperventilation is done at a rate of more than ______ breathes per minute which leads to abnormal loss of carbon dioxide from the blood.
What is the medical terminology for cauliflower ear?
hematoma auris
A ____________ abrasion can occur when an athlete wears contacts for too long. Diagnosis involves a fluorescein dye and light test.
The most commonly injured facial bone in athletics is/are the ________________.
The _________ is responsible for focusing the entering light rays on the retina.
Occurs when several consecutive ribs are fractured in 2 or more places. Causes the entire fractured portion to move in and out while the patient is breathing. This occurs opposite of normal breathing pattern
Flail chest
An athlete presents in the training room with a significant eye injury. You notice a lack of roundness to the eye, and the inner fluids of the eye are leaking out. The athlete has sustained a __________________.
Ruptured Globe
An athlete was poked in the eye during a game. They have no pain or no visual impairments but their eye looks like the image below. What injury have they sustained?
subconjunctival hemorrhage
The "socket" that the eye sits in is known as the ___________________ (two words)
Orbital foramen
The "traditional" eye exam chart, typically performed at sports physicals is called the _____________ chart.
When the wall of the chest is punctured and air from the outside is drawn in noisily into the cavity. In this injury, the lung is not punctured, but the air being pulled into the cavity applies pressure on the lungs and heart, causing distress.
Sucking Chest Wound
An athlete that was elbowed in the nose is being evaluated for a nasal injury. The AT notices a "shift" of their nose. This shift is known as a _____________.
Deviated septum
A blow to the eye can force the eyeball backward into the socket. The thin bones beneath the eye absorb the sudden increase in pressure and can fracture. This is known as a
Blowout fracture
A violent blow to the chin can cause a dislocation of the jaw. The appropriate term for a jaw dislocation is a __________________________ dislocation. (Think of the attachment site)