Diversity & Engagement
Decision making
Dealing with problems
Before you meet
Process vs. Content

Any person or group of persons who are responsible for a final decision; are affected by the decision; are interested in the process or content of the meeting;or are in a position to support or prevent a decision from being implemented.

What is a stakeholder?


Decision making is improved when these 6 thinking styles of participants are taken into consideration.

What are the 6 Thinking Hats? 


The place to record issues needing attention that cannot be addressed at your current meeting.

What is a Parking Lot?


Written statements that establish how participants will interact with each other, how the meeting will be run, and how decisions will be made.

What are Ground Rules?


Clear statements of expected results that drive process and content.

What are desired outcomes?


This engagement method encourages participation from everyone as they work to identify as many ideas as possible in a short amount of time.

What is brainstorming?


This method of reaching an agreement avoids a win/lose or either/or decision.

What is both/and?


When meetings involve complex problem solving, high conflict, large groups, or meeting leaders who have a vested interest in the outcome, this meeting role should be utilized to help avoid conflict.

What is a facilitator? 


Identifies who should participate, what their position might be, and what levels of knowledge they may have on the meeting content.

What is a stakeholder analysis?


Process and content (results) are two parts of this which strive for balance when people work together.

What is the success triangle? 


Judging others beliefs and actions by the standards of your own culture.

What is cultural bias?


The 3 stages of discussion that lead to a decision.

What is open, narrow and close?


A statement accepted or supposed to be true without proof or demonstration.

What is an assumption?


Testing and retesting, using polls, and assessing conductivity and sound quality issues for participants are all BMPs when considering using this for meetings.

What is technology (Zoom, etc.)?


Helps to structure a meeting to meet desired goals and outcomes, and helps to focus the meeting content.

What is an agenda?


Cooperatively sharing and learning from each other's experiences, expertise and information, and discovering and creating solutions together with openness and humility. 

What is mutual learning?


Voting on a motion, motion to table and motion to postpone indefinitely are 3 voting methods related to decision making under this.

What is Robert's Rules of Order?


A statement accepted or supposed to be true without proof or demonstration.

What is an assumption?


How a meeting will be run, how decisions will be made and how participants will interact should be agreed on before a meeting takes place. These are considered the what of a meeting?

What is the meeting process?


This meeting role helps to guide a meeting process.

What is a facilitator?


Asking someone where they are really from, is a form of this. 

What is a microaggression? 


The decision making method that strives for true consensus but will move forward with an agreement percentage that is less than 100%.

What is modified consensus?


"Thank you for your input. You have a valid concern. However, it is outside of our agenda right now. Can we capture this for discussion at our next meeting so we can come prepared and informed?" 

Name this intervention tool.

What is accept, legitimize, deal with or defer?


Discovering how others prefer to receive information, identifying relevance of content, and motivational strategies to participate are a part of this.

What is Cultural Competency?


90% of meeting problems are issues with this.

What is a process?
