What is Dr. Seuss's real first name?
His name is Theodor Seuss Geisel
My new bike was hard to ride at first but I (was / got / get) used to it quite quickly.
What is "got"
In this sport players bounce a ball and throw it into a net.
What is basketball
What planet is closest to the sun?
This is the first president of the United States.
Who is George Washington
What is the name of the dog in Dr. Seuss's book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
Who is "Max".
We ... (not play) football last month.
"Didn't play"
What is the most popular sport around the world?
A part of speech that describes a noun or pronoun.
This person was the president during the American Civil War.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
In the book "Cat in the Hat" this is the place the fish ended up when he fell.
My French isn’t great, but I have _________ a lot of new words.
What is "learned"
What is the name of a sports team leader?
What is "Captain"
Mount Rushmore is located in this state.
What is "South Dakota"
This is the year the US gained its Independence.
What is 1776?
In One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Ned does not like this.
He does not like his "Bed"
Happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended
What is "relieved"
What is the name of Colorado hockey team?
What is the Avalanche.
When sunlight hits a leaf, it used during this process to create oxygen and glucose (sugar).
What is photosynthesis
This is who started and wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Thomas Jefferson
This is the first book that Dr. Seuss wrote.
What is "And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street?
What ... she ... on Saturday morning? (do)
" was"
Which NBA basketball team won the most champinoships?
The Boston Celtics.
This is the term used to describe the energy of an object when it is moving.
What is kinetic energy
Which war was fought over slavery between the North and South regions in the United States?
What is the "Civil War"