How do you pronounce the teacher's name?
"Miss K"
What color is the Goals board?
What's the name of the unit where you learn how to connect fabric with a needle and thread?
Hand sewing
What are the 2 types of grades that you'll earn in FACS 6?
formative and summative
What does the "C" stand for in FACS?
What football team does Miss Cayea like?
Buffalo Bills
The tissues and hand sanitizer are located next to the
What's the name of the unit where you learn important skills that help you manage your everyday life? (for example, managing your time, money, friendships, stress, etc.)
Life Skills Unit
What color is the FACS 6 turn-in bin, where you will turn in any and all assignments?
Light blue
A child ages 1-3 years old is referred to as a
Where did Miss Cayea go to college?
SUNY Oneonta
What types of machines are located in the back of the classroom?
Sewing machines
What is the name of the unit where we will learn about babysitting and the growth of children?
Child Development
If you miss a class, either in person or virtually, what should you do to be sure you complete any work you missed?
Talk to or email Miss Cayea ASAP
This sewing tool has blades specifically designed for cutting fabric
Both of Miss Cayea's parents are teachers. Her dad teaches social studies, but what subject does her mom teach?
On the student center board, there's a dry erase board that contains what information?
Current Unit
What's the unit we can not do this year due to the COVID19 pandemic?
How many days do you have to turn in any late assignments before it becomes a zero?
This cooking term means "to cook in a liquid just below the boiling point"
How many siblings does Miss Cayea have?
One brother
There are 5 important items located to the right of the classroom door. Name at least 3!
Phone, fire alarm, light switches, bell schedule, garbage can
Name at least one unit that 7th grade FACS students will complete
Career studies, interior design, financial management
Where are your FACS grades kept and updated regularly?
John Holland has a well known theory that is often used in FACS courses because it matches personality types to potential...