Giraffe tongues are green.
They're actually dark blue!
Saltwater fish are typically bigger than freshwater fish.
The huge bodies of water in the ocean allow the fish to grow much bigger than they do in lakes and rivers.
Humans share 99% of our DNA with apes.
Humans are a type of ape. Chimps and Bonobos specifically are our closest relatives.
Cows have a stomach with four different chambers.
Cow stomachs are split up into four different sections, each playing its own part in the digestion process. Eating only grass and wheat, cows need the extra stomachs to get the most out of their fibrous diet.
Zebra stripes are used to manage their body heat.
TRUE (Sort of!)
Scientists aren't exactly sure what purpose Zebra stripes serve, but managing body heat is the most common assumption.
Giraffes can clean their own ears with their tongues.
Their tongues can reach over 17 inches, which let them reach their own ears!
Ocean currents endanger fish.
Ocean currents are essential to the lives of fish! The currents move fresh nutrients around the ocean, feeding the fish with fresher, healthier water.
Some apes can speak English and some other spoken languages.
However, they can communicate with vocal sounds like grunts, howls, and more. They communicate with facial and body expressions often, and some apes have been taught basic sign language and been able to communicate on a simple level.
Dairy cows can only produce a little milk each day.
The average dairy cow can produce 35 to 40 pints of milk each day. That's about 5 gallons of milk, more than a household can drink in a day. This is why there are so many milk products like cheese and butter, people needed to use their extra milk.
All female zebra stripe patterns are the same.
This is also false for male zebras. All zebras have a unique pattern on their body. Some researchers believe that the zebras use the patterns to recognize each other.
Giraffes are herbivores, and only eat plants.
They use their long necks to eat leaves out of the trees.
More than half of the fish on earth are freshwater fish.
Close though! Just under half are freshwater fish. Only about 4% of water is freshwater, which means those freshwater fish are more cramped than saltwater fish.
Apes only eat fruit.
While most apes primarily eat fruit, apes like Gorillas, Bonobos, and Chimps eat mostly veggies and bugs, as well as fruit now and then. Orangutans and Gibbons are known for eating mostly fruit, but they also eat leaves, flowers, and bugs.
Cows can smell over 5 miles.
Cows can smell around 6 or more miles away from them. A cow could smell you coming before you even know that there are any cows around.
Zebras move in herds.
Zebras move in big herds, sometimes merging with other herds to create "super herds" of thousands of zebras. Sometimes they combine with herds of other animals, such as antelopes and wildebeest.
A group of giraffes is called a tower.
Some fish can recognize themselves in photos.
A recent study found that some types of fish can recognize their own faces in photos and mirrors. We previously only thought smart animals like chimps and dolphins could do this, which means that more animals might be able to recognize themselves than we previously thought!
Apes build nests like birds.
Some apes, like Gorillas and Orangutans, build nests with sticks, grass, leaves, and other materials they can find to build comfortable and safe nests in trees or on the ground.
Cows give birth to 2 babies at once.
While twins and triplets can happen, cows typically only carry one at a time, and take nine months to have their baby, much like humans do.
Zebras are very peaceful animals.
While not necessarily aggressive like a lion would be, zebras will fight each other for mates, sometimes even killing each other. They have also been known to chase away other animals and humans from their herds.
All giraffes have the same color patterns on their fur.
No two giraffes are the same.
Fish don't have eyelids.
The only exception is some types of sharks, which have eyelids similar to humans that they use to protect their eyes from harm. Most fish have a slimy membrane that covers their eyes to keep them safe.
Apes have tails.
Apes do not have tails. Humans, Gorillas, Chimps, and all types of apes don't have tails. Monkeys have tails, however. This is one of their defining differences.
Cows can cry.
Sad, but TRUE
Cows are known to cry tears when they are stressed or upset. While a lot of animals cry, such as a dog whimpering, emotional tears are unique to humans and cows.
Do your best impression of the zebra from the Madagascar movies.