Energy Systems
Training Type
Principles of Training
Physiological Adaptations
Psychology and Performance

What is the role of our energy system?

How many energy systems do we have?

Energy systems resynthesis ATP to maintain energy for activity.

We have 3 systems.


What is the Acronym for Training Types



What is the Acronym to remember the Principles of Training



What is the acronym that will help remember the physiological adaptions? 



What is the difference between state and trait anxiety?

State anxiety is anxiety in the moment.

Trait anxiety is anxiety as per our predispositions


Name the 3 energy systems and discuss the 2 ways they are classified?

ATP-PC (Alactacid Acid)- anaerobic

Lactic Acid- anaerobic



What is anaerobic training and name its method?

Anaerobic training is training that works the anaerobic energy system.

Anaerobic Interval training

Define reversibility?

You loose it if you don't use it.


Explain the why physiological adaptions occur and when?

Physiological adaptions are change that the body make as a result of training. These changes occur after 12 weeks of training.


Define Motivation?

Name the 4 types of motivation with a brief definition.

Motivation is what drives us to do something.




In the ATP/PC name the following;

source of fuel

duration and


Creatine Phosphate

10-12 seconds

2 mins


What is flexibility training? Name the 4 methods and define them.

Flexibility Training is where training is to increase to ROM.

Dynamic -rhythmic

Static- station

PNF- Static Isomentric contraction

Ballistic- Bounce to stretch beyond limits


Define Warm Up and Cool Down?

Warm up is slowly and gradually prepare the body for physical activity. Increases blood flow and reduces injury.

Cool Down is to bring the body back to rest. Prevent blood pooling and muscle stiffness.


Explain Muscle Hypertrophy?

Explain the difference between slow and fast twitch fibre? 

Muscle hypertrophy is where there is growth within muscle size as a result of continued work/contraction.

Slow twitch muscle fibres are those needed for the aerobic energy system also know as red fibres

Fast twitch muscle fibre are those needed for the anaerobic energy system. Also know as white fibres.


Explain the invert u and the relationship between arousal and performance.

For athletes to perform at their best the need to have the right amount of arousal.

If a player is under aroused then they lack the motivation to participate and will impact performance negatively.

If a player is over aroused then they are over anxious and find it difficulty to perform to their best performance and hence negatively impact on performance.


Using the Lactic Acid System name the;

Fuel Source,

Waste product


and Intensity


Lactic Acid

Not very efficient

85-95% maximal effort


What is aerobic training? List and explain the methods

Aerobic training is training that works the aerobic energy system and improves the cardiovascular endurance.

Circuit- stations working different muscles 

Fartlek- speed play end of the line sprint

Aerobic Interval- 10min activity 1min rest

Continuous- 20mins no stop


Define variety and why is it important.

Define progressive overload and give an example

Variety is training that adds variety. It is aimed to maintain motivation.

Progressive Overload is where the individual works at a high load intensity then what they are able to get a gain/improvement. Once adaptation are made then we overload again.


Discuss the physiological adaptation in terms of oxygen uptake, lung capacity and hemoglobin levels.

Hemoglobin levels increase in aerobic activity as the increased need for hemoglobin to bind to oxygen and carry this to the working muscles. Lung capacity remains fairly static what changes is the utilisation of the air in the lungs


Explain the psychological strategies Goal Setting and Relaxation techniques?

Goal setting is when goals are set to help the athlete to have something to aim for. 

Relaxation techniques are things like centred breathing which slows the athletes breath and heart rate to help settle nerves. However music can be used to psych or pump up and athlete.


Using the aerobic energy system name the;

source of fuel

efficiency of the system


cause of fatigue and 

by product

Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins

Very efficient

Unlimited or until fuel stores are exhausted

depletion of fuel source

carbohydrates and water


What is strength training?

What are the methods?

Strength training is where training is aimed developing strength. Strength can be absolute/relative, power and/or endurance. The variables change eg weight/load, reps, set, rest etc.

Methods are elastic, free weight/machines and hydraulics


Define the principle of specificity and give and example?

Define Training Threshold?

Specificity is training for a specific purpose. 

Training Threshold is the minimum load that you need to work at to get a gain in either the aerobic or anaerobic energy systems.


Discuss the physiological adaptation in terms of resting heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output.

Stroke volume increases especially at maximal levels of intensity, as the left ventricle increases in size, enabling a greater volume of blood to be pumped from the heart when it contracts. Cardiac Output remains relatively the same however each contraction is pumping more blood. As a result of the heart being more efficient and pumping more blood with each contraction the resting heart rate decreases.


Explain these 2 dash points in psychological strategies

concentration/attention skills (focusing)

mental rehearsal/visualisation/imagery

Explain when you would use these strategies to influence arousal?

Concentration/Attention Skills are where the athlete focuses on specific requirements of their performance. It is used to eliminate other distraction.

Mental reherasl/visualisation/imagery is where the athlete sees themselves preforming the skill correctly.
