Dogs _____ domesticated animals that live all around the world.
a) is
b) are
c) am
Dogs are domesticated animals that live all around the world.
Cats _______ taste sweetness.
a) can't
b) cant's
Cats can't taste sweetness.
Dogs ______ a much better sense of smell than we do!
a) have
b) has
Dogs have a much better sense of smell than we do!
Cats ______ paw preference.
a) have
b) haves
Cats have paw preference.
Pugs ______ from China.
a) comes
b) come
Pugs come from China.
In the United States alone, almost 43 million of household _________ at least one dog.
a) own
b) owns
In the United States alone, almost 43 million of household own at least one dog.
Cats _______ a faster heart rate than humans.
a) have
b) has
Cats have a faster heart rate than humans.
Puppies ______ born blind, deaf and without teeth.
a) are
b) is
Puppies are born blind, deaf and without teeth.
Cats _______ impressive jumpers.
a) are
b) is
Cats are impressive jumpers.
Siamese cats _____ have crossed eyes and twisted tales!
a) can
b) cans
Siamese cats _____ have crossed eyes and twisted tales!
There ______ over 150 types of dogs.
a) are
b) is
There are over 150 types of dogs.
Cats also _______ through their paws, just as dogs!
a) sweats
b) sweat
Cats also sweat through their paws, just as dogs!
Dogs only _______ from their paws.
a) sweat
b) sweats
Dogs only sweat from their paws.
Cats _______ excellent hearing.
a) is
b) have
Cats have excellent hearing.
Dachshunds _________ to dig and hunt.
a) love
b) loves
Dachshunds love to dig and hunt.
Dogs ________ color different than we see!
a) sees
b) see
Dogs see color different than we see!
Cats _______ unique nose prints.
a) has
b) have
Cats have unique nose prints.
Corgis _______ dwarfism.
a) has
b) have
Corgis have dwarfism.
Cats' sense of smelling _______ impressive.
a) has
b) is
Cats' sense of smelling is impressive.
Persian cats _________ from Mesopotamia (Iran) in origin.
a) come
b) comes
Persian cats come from Mesopotamia (Iran) in origin.
Dogs can _______ colors, and they see them just as yellows, browns and blues.
a) see
b) sees
Dogs can see colors, and they see them just as yellows, browns and blues.
Cats _______ drink saltwater.
a) cans
b) can
Cats can drink saltwater.
Schnauzers _______ intelligent, affectionate and lovable.
a) is
b) are
Schnauzers are intelligent, affectionate and lovable.
Cats _______ analyze scents with their mouth.
a) cans
b) can
Cats can analyze scents with their mouth.
Dogs ______ lovely and so _______ cats!
a) are / are
b) is / are
Dogs are lovely and so are cats!