Who was Mary’s parents?
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim
Was Mary a Virgin?
What does the fire in the Sacred Hearty of Mary represent?
It represents her heart burning with Jesus and us, her children.
Was Mary Jewish?
Where did Mary grow up
Was Mary born without original sin?
What is another name for the Sacred Heart of Mary?
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Is Mary considered to be the holiest and greatest saints?
Yes! She is.
Is Mary fully God and fully man
No, but she was born without original sin.
Did Mary trust in God’s plan for her?
Yes! She trusted His plan completely and never questioned it. When she said ” let it be done to me according to your word’’ she was saying yes to God no matter what.
The Sacred Heart is the source of……….
It’s the source of Our Lady’s burning love for God and desire to souls to her son.
Why do we honor Mray?
Because God himself honored her.
Is Mary’s God’s daughter?
No, but God created Mary as daughter of the Father, mother of the, son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit
Is Mary equal to God?
Mary is not equal to God we can still pray to her and ask her to intercede with us to God.
What does the sword in the Sacred Heart of Mary indicate?
It indicates the sorrows Mary would faces during Jesus’ passion.
Why is Mary called the mother of God?
Because she gave birth to Jesus, who is in the Trinity along with the Father and the Holy Spirit
Where was Mary often found as a child?
Mary was often flung in the temple in deep prayer or meditation.
Why do Catholics say three Hail Marys?
To honor the Most Blessed Trinity. Who is the source of all Our Lady’s Greatness.
Is the Sacred Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus the same thing?
Not exactly, there are two Hearts but one and the same Heart in a unity of spirit, affection and will.
What does her blue cloak symbolize?
The skies, and labels her as an empress for the blue was associated with Byzantine royalty.