Make a Q for the Sentences 1
Name and Change the Tense
Make a Q for the Sentence 2
Name the Time Tense
Make a Sentence with the Vocabulary word

Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

The telephone was invented in March 1876 by Scottish-born (蘇格蘭出生) Alexander Graham Bell.

Who invented the telephone?

Who invented the telephone in March, 1876?

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent in March 1876?

Who was the telephone invented by in March 1876?


Name the time tense, then change the sentence into: present continuous

 She cut her hair short to look like other women pilots.

past simple

She is cutting her hair short to look like other women pilots.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Ancient Chinese (中國古代) used symbols (pictograms 象形圖) to represent (代表) each word in 1700 B.C. (公元前).

When did ancient Chinese (中國古代) begin to write?

What did the ancient Chinese begin to do in 1700 B.C.?

What did ancient Chinese use to write each word in 1700 B.C.?

How did the ancient Chinese write each word in 1700B.C.?


What time tense is used in this sentence?

She was declared legally dead one year after she disappeared ( 消失了).

a) past simple


Make a past tense simple sentence with: offered her (給了她)

Example: Her dad offered her (給了她) a drive to school this morning.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

The Sumerians (蘇美爾人) first used wheels as turntables for pottery (陶器轉).

What did the Sumerians first use wheels as?

Who used the first wheels as turntables for pottery.


Name the time tense, then change the sentence into: future simple

Amelia Earhart (阿米莉亞·埃爾哈特) was the first woman to fly solo (單飛) across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋).

past simple

Amelia Earhart will be the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Battery-powered tools (電池供電的工具) were invented (發明了) to use in space because there are no electrical sockets (電源插座) in space.

Why were battery-powered tools invented? (為什麼發明了電池供電的工具?)

What was invented because there are no electrical sockets in space?


What time tense(s) is used in this sentence?

They have set many records for speed and distance.

present perfect simple


Make a present simple tense sentence with:
decided (決定)

Example: They decides to go hike on Jade Mountain.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

The Sumerians ( (蘇美爾人) of southern Mesopotamia (美索不達米亞) invented writing. They wrote about laws, history, and stories.

Who invented writing?

What did they write about?

What is something the Sumerians (of southern Mesopotamia) invented?


Name the time tense, then change the sentence into: past continuous

From then on, reporters ( 記者) and photographers follow her everywhere.

present simple

From then on, reporters and photographers were following her everywhere.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Neptune (海王星) was discovered by astronomer (天文學家)  J.G. Gale in Berlin, 1846.

When was Neptune (海王星) discovered by astronomer(天文學家)  J.G. Gale in Berlin?

What was discovered by astronomer J.G. Gale in Berlin, 1846?

Who discovered Neptune in Berlin, 1846?

What did astronomer J.G. Gale discover in 1846?


What time tenses are used in this sentence?

Their plane disappeared while flying through cloudy skies over the Pacific Ocean.

a) past simple/ past continuous


Make a past simple tense sentence with: disappear (消失)

Their cat disappeared (消失了) more than six months ago.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Humans discovered (發現) fire around 7000 B.C. (約公元前 7000 年).

When did humans discover fire?

What did humans discover around 7000B.C.?

What happened around 7000B.C.?


Name the time tense, then change the sentence into: present perfect simple

She was deciding to fly around the Earth with a man named Fred Noonan as her navigator.

past continuous

She has decided to fly around the Earth with a man named Fred Noonan as her navigator.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Charles Darwin (查爾斯·達爾文) published (發布) his famous scientific (科學的) book: The Origin of Species  (物種起源) in 1859.

When did Charles Darwin publish his famous book: The Origin of Species?

What book did Charles Darwin publish in 1859?

Who published his famous book: The Origin of Species in 1859?

When was the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin published?


What time tenses is used in this sentence?

Fred Noonan will be a navigator for Amelia Earhart when they fly around the world.

a) future simple/ present simple (used to talk about set plan in future)


Make a present continuous tense sentence with: fly solo (單飛) 

Example: She is flying solo over the Amazon as we speak.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

Italian scientist, Galileo (伽利略), built his own telescope in 1609.

What did the Italian scientist, Galileo, build in 1609?

When did the Italian scientist, Galileo, build his own telescope?

Who built his own telescope in 1609?

What happened in 1609?


Name the time tense, then change the sentence into: future progressive

She sets many records for speed and distance, but she wants to do something bigger.

present simple

She will be setting many records for speed and distance, but she will be wanting to do something bigger.


Make a question to match each sentence, so the sentences are the answer to the question you ask.

The Hubble Telescope satellite (哈勃太空望遠鏡衛星) orbits (軌道) 350 miles above the Earth. 

How high above the Earth does the Hubble Telescope satellite (哈勃太空望遠鏡衛星) orbit (軌道) above the Earth?

What orbits 350 miles above the Earth?

Where does the Hubble Telescope satellite orbit?


What time tense is used in this sentence?

Reporters and photographers were following her everywhere.

 b) past continuous


Make a past continuous tense sentence with:  force her (強迫她)

Example: June's mother was forcing her to wake up early each Saturday morning for a year.
