fill the blank The Game of ___
what is life
What system I played pokemon ultra moon on
What is 3ds XL
what hobby do I enjoy that is set in medevil times usually
what is dnd
True or false
I own pokemon plushies
Show that I said was not a clone of pokemon
What is digimon
card game did I try and play with in social group but said it would be to complex to play
What is yugioh
What video game did I try to turn into a board game
What is Dokapon kingdom
a card game hobby that I like
Digimon card game
what is a angry bird plushie do I have
What is the black bird (Bomb bird)
what is a movie that is a adaptation of a book that I love
What is wonder
what was a game that I dislike when it was played
what is what do you meme (family editon)
What game i've spent 90% of the 300 hours just being afk
What is digimon cyber sleuth complete edition
what is a hobby that I enjoyed that was building plastic models of robots A: Robopla B: Robot plastic making C: Gunpla D: mechapla
C: Gunpla
True or falese
I own a penguin plushie
What movie do I own a blue ray disk for A:Mario movie, B: digimon movie, C: sonic the hedgehog 2, D:the emoji move
A: Mario movie
was a card game I liked to play in social group
What is Monopoly deal
what was a Wii game I loved about a team fighting evil with a samurai theme
what is power ranger samurai for the wii
A toys to life toy that is still being made today that I like
What is amiibo
how much yokai watch plushies do I have (pick a number between 1-10)
how much seasons of dragon ball do I physically have (pick a number between 1-20) (including gt)
what was a monopoly version that I loved as a 10-12 year old
What is Monopoly Electronic Banking Edition
what video game system I grew up in Even though it was made before I born also my grandpa had it
what is PlayStation 2
What hobby did I get interested after a gift I recived after beating my sister in this game from emerald city comic con in 2016
What is beyblade
What Kirby ability plushie do I own
What is Parasol kirby
what was a music kid show that I LOVED as a kid
What is yo gabba gabba