What is FAFSA?
Free money from the government based on financial need
What are grants?
Aid that does not need to be paid back
Do you have to be a U.S citizen?
Applying to college and applying for financial aid are two separate process
How many teeth does the average human have?
What does FAFSA stand for?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Provides part time employment to students while they are enrolled in school
What is selective service?
an agency that keeps information for those potentially subject to military conscription
What is the first step in applying for financial aid?
Start planning early
What is the smallest bone in your body?
Stapes (ear bone)
What month does the FAFSA application open?
October 1st
What are loans?
Money that you are borrowing and need to pay back with interest
How many units do you need to be enrolled in to receive full financial aid?
12 units
What does your aid offer tell you?
The types and amounts of aid that the college is offering you
What is Ms. Potter's favorite color?
How often do you have to renew your FAFSA?
Every year
Where does scholarship money come from?
What GPA do you need to maintain to receive FAFSA?
What do you do with your aid offers?
Compare the cost and accept the best one
Name all seven continents
North America
South America
What is one piece of personal information that you need to fill out your FAFSA?
Social Security
Guardian Information
Income Information
Grants, scholarships, work study and loans
Does having a criminal record affect you're eligibility?
Depends on the offense
What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit?
212 degrees