This was the first fair trade certified product.
What is Coffee?
The year that the Fair Trade movement started.
What is 1940?
Pumpkin is either a fruit or a vegetable.
What is a fruit?
Melt in your mouth not in your hands.
What are M & M's?
This creature is famous for "vanting to suck your blood".
What is a vampire? Who is Dracula?
This delicious Fair Trade sweet is used in different kinds of cakes, cookies, candies, etc.
What is Chocolate/Cocoa?
The year that Penn State Brandywine obtained Fair Trade designation.
What is 2012?
Pumpkins originated from this region of the world.
What is Central America?
Fruit flavors full of holes.
What are lifesavers?
Blind animal that flies at night.
What is a bat?
This shrinkable Fair Trade product is used to make different kinds of clothing.
What is Cotton?
Location of the first fair trade town in the US.
Media, PA
Pumpkins grow on...
What is vine?
This is the best selling candy at Halloween.
What is the snickers bar?
This monster was created as a science experiment.
Who is Frankenstein?
This Fair Trade flower can be found in a field, where there is plenty of SUN.
What are Sunflowers?
This clothing company often makes winter clothes, or hiking clothes all through fair trade. You might often see me wearing one of their jackets. Hint: the name of the company is also a region in South America shared by Chile and Argentina.
What is Patagonia
Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or this color.
What is blue?
This was the first wrapped penny candy in America.
What is the tootsie roll?
This evil woman wanted to make a coat from puppy fur.
Who is Cruella DeVille?
The top three most consumed fair trade products.
What is bananas, cocoa beans, and roasted coffee beans?
This famous ice-cream company was founded by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.
What is Ben & Jerry's?
The tradition of making jack-o-lanterns is thousands of years old. The vegetable they were originally made of.
What are turnips?
This fair trade candy is sold on our campus.
What is Tony's Chocolonely?
Witches are commonly known to have this skin problem.
What are warts?