Translate "ski coat" into french
What is "un anorak"
How would you say "I'm looking for..." in french?
What is "Je cherche..."?
Red (singular) in french
Translate into English: Je voudrais ce manteau.
What is "I would like this coat"
Translate into French: fashionable
What is "à la mode"
Translate "une jupe" into english
What is "a skirt"
How would you say "How much is it" in french?
What is "C'est combien...?"
pink (feminine plural) in french
Translate into English: Combien coûte cette veste?
What is "how much is this jacket?"
Translate into French: Can I help you?
What is "Je peux vous aider?"
Translate "fashion scarf" to french
What is "un foulard"
How would you say "What size are you...?" in french?
What is "Quelle taille faites-vous"?
white (feminine plural) in french
Translate into English: Vous avez ces bottes en marron?
What is "Do you have these boots in purple?"
Translate into French: My dad needs a suit.
What is "Mon père a besoin de costume"
name 3 different vocab words for different kinds of shoes in french
What is "les chaussures", "des bottes", "des baskets", "des tennis", "des hauts talons"...
How would you say "I'm looking for pants?" in french?
What is "Je cherche des pantalons?"
conjugate "purple" in french as it is used in this sentence: The dresses are purple.
Translate into English: "Ce chapeau coûte dix euros quatre-ving-neuf"
What is "This hat costs 10 euros and 89 cents"
Translate into French: I need shoes for this summer.
What is "J'ai besoin de chaussures pour cet été."
name 4 items of clothing/accessories in french for summer weather
What is "un maillot de bain", "des lunettes de soleil", "des tennis", "un chapeau", "un tee-shirt", "une jupe", "un short"...
How would you say "Do you have this shirt in purple?" in french?
What is "Vous avez cette chemise en violette?"
Name all the colors (excluding indigo) in the rainbow in french (masculine plural)
rouges, orange, jaunes, verts, bleus, violets
Translate into English: Je voudrais acheter cette jupe bleue, cette cravate noire, et ces tennis verts.
What is "I would like to buy this blue skirt, this black tie, and these green light sneakers."
What is "Pour l'hiver, je besoin de gants, un foulard, des bottes, et un manteau."