Hometown Favorites
Recycling 101
Local Government
Sorting Bin

This tasty company is headquartered in Fairfield and makes candies of all flavors including: Very Cherry, Tutti-Fruitti, and even Rotten Egg

What is the Jelly Belly Company?


This symbol, first created in 1970 to celebrate Earth Day, is represented by three arrows in the shape of a triangle.

What is the recycling symbol? ♻ 


This city department helps maintain public safety, enforce the law, and investigate crimes.

What is the Police Department?


This is the action or process of converting waste into reusable material.

What is "recycling"?


Aluminum beverage cans belong in what bin?

What is the recycling/blue bin?


This annual summer event is held downtown and pays heritage to the City of Fairfield's agricultural past by celebrating with music, food and wine tastings, and vendors.

What is the Tomato and Vine Festival?


This recyclable material is made from the pulp of trees and is commonly used for newspapers and packaging.

What is paper?


This group of elected officials is responsible for making policies, helping manage the City budget, and passing resolutions and ordinances.

What is City Council?


This is the action or process of utilizing a material more than once to limit wasting materials.

What is "reducing"? 


Plastic bags belong in what bin?

What is the garbage/black bin?


Known as the "Gateway to the Pacific" this military facility is the largest employer in the City of Fairfield and Solano County.

What is the Travis Air Force Base?


This term refers to materials that can be composted instead of being sent to a landfill, such as food scraps and yard waste.

What is organic waste?


This City department is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining infrastructure such as roads, water systems, and solid waste.

What is the Public Works Department?

This type of waste is dangerous or harmful to human health or the environment and requires special care when disposed of.

What is "hazardous waste"?


Food waste and food scraps belong in what bin?

What is the organics/green bin?


With over 65 majors available to study including, Biotechnology and Wastewater Technology, students can take courses at the main campus at this school located in Fairfield. 

What is Solano Community College?

What are the three "R's" of waste management?

What is Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.


This layer of government is between the State and the City and is overseen by a Board of Supervisors. This type of government manages local elections and public health. 

What is County Government?


This area of land is the final destination for things we put in the garbage bin. The waste is typically compacted and covered with dirt. 

What is a landfill?


Greasy pizza boxes belong in what bin?

What is the organics/green bin?


With over 630 acres of grasslands, oak trees, and biking/hiking trails, this regional park attracts visitors from all over the Bay Area.

What is Rockville Regional Park?


This State Department was previously known as the California Integrated Waste Management Board and oversees the State's waste management, recycling, and waste reduction programs.

What is CalRecycle?


This program is a social agreement between two geographically distinct municipalities that allows citizens to expand their cultural and civic horizons. Fairfield has this program with Nirasaki, Japan.

What is a sister city program?


This is the product of decomposed organic material and is a natural nutrient-rich fertilizer. 

What is "compost?"


Batteries belong in what bin?

None! Batteries are considered hazardous waste and must be taken to a special collection facility.
