This fairy tale was about looking at a person's heart instead of their appearance.
Beauty and the Beast
What was the job of the man who talked to the fish?
What item did the fisherman's wife keep wanting a bigger, fancier version of?
Some fairy tales end with these words
Happily Ever After
This fairy tale is about a greedy woman making a lot of wishes.
The Fisherman and His Wife
What character granted wishes?
The fish
What was the job of Beauty's father?
What item Beauty want her father to get for her on his trip?
The emperor and the prince were these kinds of characters often found in fairy tales.
This fairy tale is about a royal man who didn't want to admit he had been tricked about his fancy clothes.
The Emperor's New Clothes
What character wanted fancy new clothes?
The emperor
What was the job of the man who sewed the emperor's clothes?
What big thing held all of the merchant's goods and was stolen?
a ship
These things that don't talk in real life can often talk in fairy tales.
In this fairy tale a young girl left her family to save her father.
Beauty and the Beast
What character was really a prince who was under a spell?
The Beast
Name the job of the person who read you all of the fairy tales.
What did the Beast give to Beauty so she could let him know when she was ready to come back to him?
What is another word for enchanted - a word to often describe what happens in fairy tales?
In this fairy tale, a talking fish punished a woman who wouldn't stop asking for bigger things by taking them all away.
The Fisherman and His Wife
What character lost her big house because of her greediness?
The fisherman's wife
Name the job of the person who writes down these fairy tales.
What item did the emperor get tricked into thinking was being made for him?
True or False - Fairy tales were told a long time ago and there are often many different versions of them as they are retold.