Faithful Men
Faithful Women
Stories of Faith

Who was a devout man who lost his wealth, health, and family, but his faith in God's wisdom and purpose remained strong.

Who Is Job


She prayed to God for a child after years of being barren. 

Who is Hannah


The story of a man receiving instructions that will keep him, his family and pairs of others safe while God reconstructs the world....

What is the story of Noah and the Ark


confidence or trust in God and his promises.

What is Faith


This faithful man of God lived his life in intimate communion with God, and was pleasing to God because of his faith. He literally was swept away by Gods Glory...



This woman is known for her Faith, When the Angel greeted her and told her she would birth a son, She said, 'I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.'. 

Who was Mary


A story is an example of unwavering faith in God's promises.  This beginning of this story takes place in Genesis, the story of a comfortable old man settled with his family working the land when suddenly he  then he hears someone speaking to him..... But the phone did not ring.........

What is the story of the Call of Abraham


Is it possible to please God without Faith?

No. Without Faith It is impossible to please God. 


Known for bringing people to Jesus this Galilean fisherman  dropped everything to follow Jesus after his dramatic confession of faith. 

Who is Simon Peter


This woman of faith poured perfume on Jesus' feet.

Who is Mary


(2 Kings 4:1-7)  when a creditor had come to take her two children to be his slaves for debt owed.  this woman consulted the prophet Elisha.  He told her to collect as many empty jars as she could and pour her small amount of oil into them. she did as instructed and the oil did not run out until every jar was full. 

Who was The Widow


Stories of Great faith are told in this book

What is The Bible


Banished to a land not his own, This young man was punished for praying to God even after being ordered to stop 

Who is Daniel


Her faith in God's promises helped her to endure the long years of waiting for her son, there was one time that she laughed at the thought of getting pregnant at such an age. 

Who is Sarah


When his servant falls ill, he turns to Jesus for help Matthew 8:5-6. Recognizing Jesus’ authority, he expresses his unwavering confidence that Jesus can heal his servant with just a word,  after proclaiming “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith” Matthew 8:10. Jesus grants the  request, and the servant is healed  

The Story of the Centurion


Who sang the song encouraging us to have faith 

Who is George Michael


Scripture describes this man full of faith and the Holy Spirit.  This young man eventually became significant actors in the history of the early Church as it unfolded in the book of Acts.  know for these words  "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Lord, do not hold this sin against them".

Who is Stephen


This woman was widowed during the famine but refused to give up on her husband's people.

Who is Ruth


a powerful testament to the courage that faith can inspire and the transformative impact of trusting God even in the most perilous circumstances, she risks her life by approaching the king to plead for the salvation of her fellow Jews from a murderous plot. Bolstered by her faith in God and the prayers of her community, she succeeds in averting the plan against her people, ensuring their safety and securing their future  

What is Esther’s story


The most faithful person you know

Who is God
