This is the liturgical season that follows Advent.
What is Christmas?
This is the language that "Gracias" is in.
What is Spanish?
"This little light of mine..."
What is "I'm gonna let it shine"?
These are what you kneel on at church.
What are "kneelers"?
This is the name of the songs that we sing at church.
What are hymns?
This is the liturgical season that follows Lent.
What is Easter?
The language you are speaking when you say "Maraming salamat".
What is Tagalog (Filipino)?
"Refiner's Fire..."
What is "My heart's desire"?
These are what you sit on at church.
What are "pews"?
Who is the priest?
In this liturgical season, we might sing O Come, O Come Emmanuel.
What is Advent?
You are speaking this language when you sing "Arigato".
What is Japanese?
"Open my eyes, Lord..."
What is "Help me to see your face"?
This is the table that the priest celebrates mass at.
What is the altar?
This is the name of the song that is sung right before the Gospel reading.
What is "Alleluia"? (except during Lent)
Purify My Heart is usually sung during this liturgical season.
What is Lent?
You are speaking this language when you sing Mèsi bokou
"Open my ears, Lord..."
This is the action that you make when you enter the church sanctuary.
What is the sign of the cross?
This is the reading after the first reading that is usually sung by a cantor and the choir.
What is the psalm?
This is the colour that the priest wears during Lent.
What is purple?
The language you are speaking when you say "Xie xie".
What is Mandarin?
"Open my heart, Lord..."
This is the proper name for the cross that hangs above the altar.
What is the crucifix?
This is the song we NEVER sing during Lent!
What is the alleluia?