Who is this church named after?
St. Jude
Which is the first Sacrament that every Catholic must recieve?
Jesus is both truly man, and also truly...
What is the response to "The Lord Be With You"?
"And with your spirit"
Who was the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
St. Joseph
The Sacrament of Holy Orders makes a man into...
A priest
Jesus was born in this city.
The golden cup that holds the Blood of Christ.
The Chalice
Who was the first Pope?
St. Peter
This is another name for Holy Communion
This is the feast that celebrates Jesus rising from the dead.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four...
Who is the patron saint of animals?
St. Francis
In which sacrament would you tell your sins to a priest?
Jesus chose this many Apostles
______, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God
Which saint's feast day, February 14, is traditionally celebrated with hearts, flowers, and chocolates?
St. Valentine
Which sacrament features oil upon your forehead?
Jesus was a cousin of this other famous Bible character.
St. John the Baptist
Your response to, "Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life."
Thanks be to God.