_________ is a warm and friendly disposition toward another. A ______ person is polite and well mannered, respectful and considerate, pleasant and agreeable, cheerful and upbeat, caring and helpful, positive and complimentary.
Kindness or kind
___________________is both the knowledge of and judgment about “divine things” and the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to divine truth. Hint: Kingdom Solomon, of the Old Testament, was said to have a lot of this.
What is the name of the first Joyful mystery where the Angel Gabriel asks Mary if she would be the mother of Jesus?
The Annuciation
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are called this?
The fictional character of Santa Claus is based off of what Catholic saint?
Saint Nicholas
________ is an interior contentment that comes from being close to God and in right relationship with others. It comes with speaking and upholding the truth, honesty and integrity in relationships, enduring hardships and decent conduct. Hint: The name of a Christmas song, "_______ to the world"
____________denotes a firmness of mind in doing good and in avoiding evil, particularly when it is difficult or dangerous to do so, and the confidence to overcome all obstacles, even deadly ones, by virtue of the assurance of everlasting life.
The second decade of the Joyful mysteries is "The Visitation". Who is Mary's cousin Elizabeth carrying in her womb?
John the Baptist
The name of the book which contains the essential teachings of the Catholic Church in regards to both faith and morals.
What is the liturgical color for the Christmas season?
___________is the virtue of suffering interruption or delay with composure and without complaint; to suffer annoyance, insult or mistreatment with self-restraint, refusing to be provoked; and to suffer burdens and difficult tasks with resolve and determination. Hint: Popular saying. "_________ is a virtue".
____________ is penetrating insight into the very heart of things, especially those higher truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation—in effect, the ability to “see” God.
The third Joyful mystery is the "Nativity". Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?
To be counted for the Roman Census
The office of the Catholic Church is called what? It is their duty to safeguard the Deposit of Faith.
What were three gifts that the three wise men gave to the holy family?
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
____________________is a bigheartedness grounded in an abundance mentality. It is unselfish and expresses itself in sharing. It is extended to family and friends, strangers, and particularly those in need, and is offered not only as money, food and clothing, but also as time shared and assistance provided.
______________allows a man to be directed by God in matters necessary for his salvation.
The fourth joyful mystery is the "Presentation of Jesus in the temple". What did Joseph and Mary give as an offering in the temple to fulfill what was required by Jewish law?
Pair of Turtle Doves or two young pigeons
What are the three major parts in the story of salvation?
Creation, Fall, Redemption
What four-letter word refers to the three wise men or three kings?
_______________ is sensitivity for another person. It is concerned with another’s welfare, safety and security. It is grounded in humility. The approach is careful, tender, considerate, affectionate and mild-mannered, free of all pushiness, roughness or abrasiveness.
______________ is, principally, revering God with filial affection, paying worship and duty to God, paying due duty to all men on account of their relationship to God, and honoring the saints and not contradicting Scripture. The Latin word pietas denotes the reverence that we give to our father and to our country.
The fifth Joyful mystery is the "Finding of Jesus in the Temple". How long were Mary and Joseph searching before they found Jesus in the temple?
Three days
In the Creed, it states that Jesus “descended into hell.” What does this mean?
Jesus entered into the place of the dead.
The Christmas season only lasts 12 days. According to Church tradition on what day does Christmas end?