The First Commandment is...
*HINT: Think about the golden calf that the Israelites made when Moses had left
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
We were made from...
*HINT: If you were to look in a mirror and not see yourself, who would you see?
God's image
Jesus's mother...
How can we make sure we don't sin in our daily lives?
By following the 10 commandments.
He led the Israelites out of Egypt...
The Second Commandment is...
*HINT: Oh my gosh!
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, which led to the sinful condition of the human race from its beginning...
Original Sin
The original number of disciples Jesus had...
Allows us to discover and believe in God...
*HINT: ______ Formation
The Third Commandment is...
*HINT: Today is Sunday
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
This type of sin doesn't break your relationship with God, but it weakens it...
Venial sin
The Sermon on the Mount, teaches us how to go to heaven...
The Beatitudes
It allows us to trust in divine assistance, and helps us attain everlasting life...
*HINT: I _____ that everyone in this class will go to heaven.
God sent an angel to shut the lion's mouths to save this man...
The Fourth Commandment is...
*HINT: Who's picking you up from class?
4. Honor your father and your mother.
This type of sin breaks your relationship with God...
Mortal sin
Jesus is one part of the holy trinity, what are the other two?
God and the Holy Spirit
The virtue that allows us to love God and his creation over everything else...
*HINT: If you love God, you are able to give things away to those in need, which is a form of _______
What is the most important commandment, and in which of the holy book of the Gospels is it stated?
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
It's in every book of the Gospel!
The God-given ability to make our own choices...
Free will
Jesus's "rock" which he will build the first church upon...
Faith, hope, and charity are the three...
Theological Virtues
This Persian queen saved the Jews from an evil man (Haman's) plotting...