This was the name of Cain & Abel’s parents.
Who are Adam and Eve?
Fill in the blank: "For we ___ by ___ not by sight."
What is walk, faith?
This is the book of the Bible in which the faithful hall of faith can be found.
What is Hebrews?
This person was speaking to God when He replied, " I am who I am".
Who is Moses?
In the Old Testament, David said this faith filled phrase to this other bible character. "You come against me with a sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
Who is Goliath?
This was Cain & Abel’s jobs.
What is a tiller of the ground? What is a keeper of sheep?
Fill in the blank: "____ comes by hearing and _____ by the ___ of ___"
What is faith, hearing, word, God?
Abraham's faith was counted to him as this.
What is righteousness?
This is the longest chapter of the bible.
What is Psalm 119?
In the New Testament, a woman who was bleeding for 12 years had faith that if she did this action, then she would be healed.
What is touch Jesus' robe?
Fruit of the ground and firstborn of the flock and their fat.
What is Cain's and Abel's offerings to God?
Fill in the blank: "And now abide ____, ____, love, these three; but the greatest of these is ____"
What is faith, hope, love?
This man is the author and finisher of our faith.
Who is Jesus?
This was the final wound to the dead body of Jesus on the cross.
What is pierced in the side?
In the Old Testament, Naaman was a valiant soldier who had leprosy. Elisha told Naaman to clean himself in the Jordan seven times to be healed. Naaman's reaction was first this but later his faith was built up and he did what he was told & was healed.
What is angry?
This is WHY God saw Abel’s offering as more of an excellent sacrifice.
What is Abel’s offering was with first-fruits?
Fill in the blank: "But let him ask in _____, with no doubting, for he who ______ is like a ____ of the sea driven and tossed by the wind"
What is faith, doubts, wave?
Jesus illustrated the power of faith when he said if you have faith the size of this, even a mountain can be moved by it.
What is a mustard seed?
This man was the first king of Israel.
Who is Saul?
In the Old Testament, God tells Joshua a plan to follow and he will have victory over Jericho. Joshua's army did this on the sixth day they walked around the walls of Jericho.
What is march and nothing else (do not shout; do not even talk).
By faith Abel brought a better and more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was this.
What is upright, in right standing with God --> RIGHTEOUS?
Fill in the blank: "Now _____ is the _______ of things _____ for, the _______ of things ___ ____."
What is faith, substance, hoped, evidence, not seen?
What is Habakkuk?
This man is mentioned 2nd most in the bible, right after Jesus. He ate holy temple bread when he was hungry. He made it a point to not touch the Lord's anointed.
Who is King David?
In the New Testament, a centurion comes to Jesus and makes a request for Jesus to heal his suffering servant, Jesus response was, "Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith." This key part of the Centurion's request made Jesus have that reaction.
What is the Centurions faith in Jesus' authority that if He even just spoke the word it would be done, no need to go see/lay hands on the servant?